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But seriously...some people drive like they are crazy as hell!


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive


Shades, eternal shades.
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
Human stupidity has no bounds. Do people not look when crossing the road? Also some of those people should have their driver's license permanently removed.

2:20 What the heck are you doing on a runway?
2:47 oh deer
3:40 Crossing the road on a non-crossover part with a baby?
4:03 oh deer oh deer
4:10 the car isn't stopping when theres a crossover + another car on the other lane blocking the view to the sidewalk?

In my opinion everyone should have mandatory driving test every ~5 years and a course in road safety.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
How do you stay safe in traffic?
It's actually really easy.
You look at everyone you see as mentally challenged monkeys. Because they are.


|K3| Member
Different traffic laws in different places, joona.

The driving exams really really don't prove anything about a person's ability to drive well. People are so oblivious to their surroundings.....


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
being a motorcycle rider is mental...i tell all riders to ride as if they were invisible because you are.....always drive faster than everyone else cuz you know whats in front of you but its harder to know what coming up from behind...i've had way too many close calls to remember..


|K3| Member
Angels don't save people from car accidents. Angels help ray lewis make tackles and ed reed make interceptions. Duh.


Caribbean Pirate
|K3| Member
This pic: awesomeeee, made my day haha!
I don't know, I believe people seriously think of two things when driving:
1. I'm late, I need to hurry up or some scheisse like that or...
2. I don't care and ima run over you cause I'm too fast to stop now lol
It pisses me off when people just throw their cars to you when it's your turn to cross the street; no consideration what-so-everrrrr
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