Help with Java


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
WOOHOO! IT'S OFFICIAL. I'M DONE WITH THIS PROJECT AND IT WORKS EXACTLY AS REQUIRED. THIS HAS BEEN THE HARDEST PROJECT YET I COMPLETED IT IN 3 DAYS, NO DOUBT WITH YOU GUYS' HELP. THANK YOU Kreubs AND Storky SO VERY MUCH. I'll probably upload it tomorrow with comments, so it can be use as an example if anyone ever needs help with something similar in the future. Once again, thank you very much to Kreubs and Storky.

P.S.: Only one exam tomorrow and then I get the week off. Can life be any sweeter than right now?


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Really late, but here it is:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Pisa

public static void main (String [] args)

double amount = 00.00;
DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("00.00");

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;

String firstName; //user's first name
boolean discount = false; //flag, true if user is eligible for discount
int inches; //size of the pizza
char crustType; //code for type of crust
String crust = null; //name of crust
double cost = 12.99; //cost of the pizza
final double TAX_RATE = .08; //sales tax rate
double tax; //amount of tax
char choice; //user's choice
String input; //user input
String toppings = "Cheese "; //list of toppings
int numberOfToppings = 0; //number of toppings

System.out.println("Welcome to Mike and Diane's Pizza");
System.out.print("Enter your first name: ");
firstName = keyboard.nextLine();

//convert name input from user to lower case, so method only
// has to check for "mike" or "diane", in which case discount will become true
firstName = firstName.toLowerCase();
if (firstName.equals("mike")||(firstName.equals("diane")))
discount = true;

System.out.println("Pizza Size (inches) Cost");
System.out.println(" 10 $10.99");
System.out.println(" 12 $12.99");
System.out.println(" 14 $14.99");
System.out.println(" 16 $16.99");
System.out.println("What size pizza would you like?");
System.out.print("10, 12, 14, or 16 (enter the number only): ");
inches = keyboard.nextInt();

//check for size input and match it accordingly to the price
//if the input doesn't match one of the presented size, the size will be default to 12 inches
if ( inches == 10)
cost = cost - 2;
else if ( inches == 12)
cost = cost;
else if ( inches == 14)
cost = cost + 2;
else if ( inches == 16)
cost = cost + 4;
inches = 12;
cost = cost;
System.out.println("You didn't enter what was required. 12 inches coming up.");

System.out.println("What type of crust do you want? ");
System.out.print("(H)Hand-tossed, (T) Thin-crust, or " +
"(D) Deep-dish (enter H, T, or D): ");
input = keyboard.nextLine();
crustType = input.charAt(0);

// If they enter one of the characters in the switch method below, they'll get the type they desired
// if they didn't enter anything or input doesn't match, it will default to Hand-tossed crust
switch (crustType) {
case 1: crustType = 'd';
case 2: crustType = 'D';
case 3: crustType = 'h';
case 4: crustType = 'H';
case 5: crustType = 't';
case 6: crustType = 'T';
if (crustType == 'd')
crust = "Deep-dish";
System.out.println(crust + " crust");
else if (crustType == 'D')
crust = "Deep-dish";
System.out.println(crust + " crust");
else if (crustType == 'T')
crust = "Thin crust";
System.out.println(crust );
else if (crustType == 't')
crust = "Thin crust";
System.out.println(crust );
else if (crustType == 'h')
crust = "Hand-tossed";
System.out.println(crust + " crust");
else if (crustType == 'H')
crust = "Hand-tossed";
System.out.println(crust + " crust");
System.out.println("You didn't enter a correct choice. Hand-tossed pizza coming up.");
crust = "Hand-tossed";

System.out.println("All pizzas come with cheese.");
System.out.println("Additional toppings are $1.25 each,"
+" choose from");
System.out.println("Pepperoni, Sausage, Onion, Mushroom");

System.out.print("Do you want Pepperoni? (Y/N): ");
input = keyboard.nextLine();
choice = input.charAt(0);
if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y')
numberOfToppings += 1;
toppings = toppings + "Pepperoni ";
System.out.print("Do you want Sausage? (Y/N): ");
input = keyboard.nextLine();
choice = input.charAt(0);
if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y')
numberOfToppings += 1;
toppings = toppings + "Sausage ";
System.out.print("Do you want Onion? (Y/N): ");
input = keyboard.nextLine();
choice = input.charAt(0);
if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y')
numberOfToppings += 1;
toppings = toppings + "Onion ";
System.out.print("Do you want Mushroom? (Y/N): ");
input = keyboard.nextLine();
choice = input.charAt(0);
if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y')
numberOfToppings += 1;
toppings = toppings + "Mushroom ";

cost = cost + (1.25*numberOfToppings);

if (discount) //if discount = true, they get 2$ off and displays a message
cost = cost - 2;
System.out.println("You're eligible for a 2$ discount");

System.out.println("Your order is as follows: ");
System.out.println(inches + " inches pizza");
System.out.println(crust + "pizza");
System.out.println(toppings + "toppings");

System.out.println("The cost of your order is: $" + money.format(cost));
tax = cost * TAX_RATE;
System.out.println("The tax is: $" + money.format(tax)); //decimalFormat changed
System.out.println("The total due is: $" + money.format(tax+cost));// 16.9999 to 16.99
System.out.println("Your order will be ready for pickup in 30 minutes.");
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