Mob griefing off...of course it remove a part of the challenge the closest jungle edge, not even full jungle, is about 7k bloc away from spawn area and there's no way to get a cat back to home without spending 4h travelling, 2h fishing and 2 other hours to tame the ocelot correctly without failing it due to night, quick move, fall, monster or else...its the only solution to not have your house ruined by a creeper spawning behind you. i would be VERY annoyed to have my house ruined by a stupid creeper. Some are still spawning (also inside the house) and i have light EVERYWHERE. As i saw on most of other houses...people here are not real fans of torches and if you want to keep your house i highly suggetst to keep it.
I'd vote Mob griefing ON as i know how to play with it if the map would allow us to defend ourselves properly without travelling 10k blocs to find some of the ressources. As for now keep it OFF.
Inventory lost off...why? of course its a good way to teleport stuff to your home...since we dont have /home and / back back...think we should keep it. Turn it On now and in a few, when u'll have to find rare ressources you'll cry to get it OFF again cause no one wants to travel for 2h to get back home or die trying and lose all the stuff he collected.^^
its also a REAL butthurt when u loose a pickaxe with efficiency 3 solidity 3 fortune 2, repaired two time cause its a good tool and level loss worth it (about 35lvl to get it repaired each a total of 100 level invested in it) 4k far from your home cause your stupid horse get stuck in a water hole, got you almost suffocated in dirt, and got you killed by 4 zombies and a still want to keep inventory loss ON?...
Of course if you only keep mining under your house a lvl 5...your only fear is lava pocket wich is solved by carrying a water bucket. so as for now Keep it OFF
I can play with mob griefing and inventory loss ON, i've played in solo, without commands, and i can generally stand for 60 or 70 lvl without dying with no problem, even with staying awake at night but...Due do the number of time i see other people die on the server, i doubt its only to get stuff back to their bed ^^