I think it does affect kids, especially the ones that are taking the psycho drugs like Prozac, hell you can read the side affects of those drugs and see what it can do to people. I call BS on the study, these games now days condition your mind to think that killing is ok, people will feel bad if a animal is killed but humans, no problem, at least that's the way I see it...
"More able to possess deadly weapons"
I feel you are referring to firearms.
I was not refering to firearms, however that is a good example, but to each their own. You want a gun, have one.
"Under the Prevention of Crime Act 1953, it is an offence to carry an offensive weapon on or about the person whilst in a public place." ---Wkikpedia. England
I cannot find any laws in the U.S. stating that it is illegal to posses knives or other deadly weapons in public. I assume it is legal as long as you have a permit and are not keeping it out in the open, or a "consielded weapon", as they call it
Well, America isn't known for intelligence.
Whenever some gun related news article pops up, there always seem to be several people in the comments that call for the "banning of violent video games" and they generally aren't troll posters either.
While its true that video games alone won't turn someone into a violent maniac, content can have an effect on the user. If that were not so then there would be no rating system. Some games are rated "M" because they have been deemed to contain material that is inappropriate or unsuitable for someone who is younger. A 12 year old (half the XBox Live community) that plays Call of Duty won't become a serial killer but he might learn a few "new" words that his mom doesn't wan't him to know.
Then there is the highly addicting World of Warcraft which is infamous for raging kids on youtube. While it is true that kids who allow themselves to get addicted mainly have other problems, you cannot always overlook certain games so easily.
Now if only playing more Napoleon: Total War would make me as smart as Napoleon... C'est la vie