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Member of the Year
|K3| Member
@jasmine : new song by the austrian ESC winner :)

guten nacht ( by Lola lol)
they detest him, they worship her, I just love it, it does not surprises me that it can release a new song as beautiful, she has a beautiful voice.
Conchita is an artist and will remain as I told you we will continue to hear about it.

:luv:"so let the walls come down
and the colours light up the sky":luv:

I appreciate very much this phrase

thx Jana <3


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|K3| Member
Hipsters have to change their preferences as the rest of the community catches up ;)

They can't afford to like the same thing they've always liked because they really like it.

They have to stay ''ahead.''

I don't spot any here.
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