Ha, yeah that's actually after i cleaned it up! I had soo much software installed along with shortcuts to all the steam games and stuff. Now, i just have the essentials.
#Windows8Problems. There's no start menu, and the one that comes with W8 is absolute garbage.thats what start and all programs is for or the task bar
#Windows8Problems. There's no start menu, and the one that comes with W8 is absolute garbage.
Yeah. but it does the job, and it's portable, so i cant complain. Actually, i can. I need another Hdrive. I've already used up the factory 1 TB one.
Get Nexus or Star dock and combine with the task bar.
10 Points to Griffindor!
go to https://ninite.com and install classic start. Your PC will even boot to the desktop, I've had a start menu on my Windows 8 since day 1 lol I also paid 39.99$ for my Windows 8 copy resulting in my first ever legit copy of Windows.#Windows8Problems. There's no start menu, and the one that comes with W8 is absolute garbage.