So, the attack on Animal today (and his potential zombification) has once again led me to question the best method of survival in the case of a zombie infestation. Obviously it would depend on the type of zombie and their relative strength/powers, but what would you do ... ?
(1) Ordinary zombie - as displayed in generic zombie films, dawn of the dead, 28 days later etc. - If am in London, well, probably hole up with my frozen food until a rescue party appears (people who just stay inside seem to do just fine, and you get these heroes going around getting themselves killed). If I was out in the country, well, again we have a pretty well stocked kitchen/larder, and in the case of attack a couple of shotguns, and lots of tools. Plus, if the worst comes to worst, we are near a canal and have a boat to escape on.
(2) Super zombie - I am not going to lie, if they are the kind of umbrella corp, or i am legend type super zombies, I am all for the cyanide option.
Any other thoughts be welcome. Are you a hero (I do not think I would be)? Which character would you most closely resemble in the walking dead?
(1) Ordinary zombie - as displayed in generic zombie films, dawn of the dead, 28 days later etc. - If am in London, well, probably hole up with my frozen food until a rescue party appears (people who just stay inside seem to do just fine, and you get these heroes going around getting themselves killed). If I was out in the country, well, again we have a pretty well stocked kitchen/larder, and in the case of attack a couple of shotguns, and lots of tools. Plus, if the worst comes to worst, we are near a canal and have a boat to escape on.
(2) Super zombie - I am not going to lie, if they are the kind of umbrella corp, or i am legend type super zombies, I am all for the cyanide option.
Any other thoughts be welcome. Are you a hero (I do not think I would be)? Which character would you most closely resemble in the walking dead?