Just like it is normal for someone to go into debt to get a car. A long time ago that would seem foolish... now its the norm...
Why would you buy something from money you don't have?
I never bought something from money that isn't my own..
I get your point VoX and I think that it all comes from new media that we didn't have 20 years ago.
You can buy 100 iPhones online with your Credit Card even in you actually don't have the money for it.
But it's also funny that people now have so much access to information but barely use it.
Not really on topic but the saddest thing in the last two decades is that everyone chooses to be on his phone over talking and meeting people. And if they go out with you they barely talk but check their Facebook.
I went to have some drinks with a (girl)friend last week and while I was talking she suddenly took her phone out of her purse and went on Facebook. AND NO IM NOT BORING