I'm sorry my love.
The Moment |K3|Recruit Admin |K3| Executive Apr 1, 2013 #865 We cannot be lovers if you don't like baseball
Kreubs |K3|Minecraft Admin |K3| Executive Apr 1, 2013 #871 I do, but it has been a couple years since I actually kept up with it. Twins ftw even yough they tend to suck
I do, but it has been a couple years since I actually kept up with it. Twins ftw even yough they tend to suck
The Moment |K3|Recruit Admin |K3| Executive Apr 1, 2013 #872 Ahaha, I knew you were gonna be a twins fan!
ManuelBook |K3|'s Horror Fanatic Former Krew Member Apr 1, 2013 #879 jack said: meh - - - updated - - - Click to expand...