one and only rage


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Ok so here's my one and only rage,more of a rant really,I play cod4 to have fun...
I joined this clan because ppl were nice to me when I was super noob,and the server was a fun place to hang out.
Reason ppl stay on a given server:
1)ppl are nice
2)they have fun
3) they feel safe from hax or harassment

Reasons ppl leave a given server:
1)they are made fun of or trolled
2)they feel ppl are cheating
3)are not having fun

That being said,we have worked pretty damn hard to build up server population,and put a lot of time into it..So I feel it is is in our best interest to treat ppl well in order to keep them coming back...I have lately seen a lot of ppl leave the server never to return and this is concerns me..One of the things I witness a lot is ppl leaving because they are getting butt raped too hard and wallbanged excessively. I know ,I know,it's legal and yada yada...but ffs is it really that important to obliterate everyone by 50 kills every time? Our aim is to have ppl to play with is it not? If we run off all the cool ppl and noobs,all we will be left to play with is a few super pro assholes...I'm not asking anyone to lose on purpose or anything like that ,in fact play however you want..just realize that if ppl leave because they think we are cheating we will be left with an empty server..
Same goes for being dicks to ppl,again I'm not saying don't be a dick if that is your wish but all we will be left tp play with is a bunch of dicks :K I don't know about you guys but i don't enjoy playing with dicks...
So...end how you want..act how you want..but it would be cool if we had a nice full server with cool peeps to play with...G out

*This is meant for all players not just members and by no means is an attack,just an observation..also not meant to start a debate,it's just how I felt at this moment*
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|K3| Member
You also lose a lot of players because of noob tubes, martydom, and last stand.. Don't see anyone trying to get those removed.


|K3| Moderator
Just because someone is good at the game doesn't really make them a dick, I've met quite a few nice people that are very highly skilled.

Personally I kinda just play, I normally don't look at the scoreboard more than once or twice a game.


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
I agree with Hype (HIBred).
I can be a dick in server, but really I just try to stay quiet and screw around not going for the win.
@MN True. However those things bring people to our server more than I think make people leave. I could not say the same about assholes and kill whores because they will do that on any server.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
lol the rapage and the dickness were separate issues,but like i said,not really a rule suggestion or a debate topic,just what i see..that's all..take it how you want but all I'm after is a nice friendly place to play with a lot of friends...You're all well within your rights to play however you want..


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
In all the time I've been here I haven't seen us lose too many players because of perks.

Some people won't come back because of it, but some wouldn't come if they were removed.

Some low level players might leave if they are losing badly, some higher level players might make it a favorite for more of a challenge.

IN the end i think it all evens out more or less and we should let people play how they want, it's their game.

Our server(s) became popular because we were laid back with only a few basic rules. We've always had outstanding players since I've been here and the server(s) have always done quite well. Our old A1 was probably top ranked or close, same with the old a2.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
I know it sounds unfair or wrong, but I agree with this. If our aim is to get more people to play on the servers and stay there we shouldn't completely destroy them the first time they come on and make them rage quit. I also noticed this when trying to populate smaller servers, there may be 2-3 people on and the people getting owned over and over leave pretty quickly.

So maybe next time when playing don't give your 100%, like Bred said our main goal is to make sure people enjoy themselves, and its not enjoyable to be killed over and over again.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
there will always be "cheaters", hackers, and trollers on cod. even if we do achieve our goal of bringing in more people,
there will just be an increase in "cheaters", hackers, and trollers.


|K3| Moderator
lol the rapage and the dickness were separate issues
"super pro assholes" Was what I was referring to, not sure if that's what you meant entirely or not, so I felt inclined to say something.

And for some people screwing around may be fun, but for people like myself, it's not very enjoyable, unless I'm screwing around with other people I'm on TS with or something. Or if it's glitching in a server without people.

For me there's also not a try ratio(0-100%) it's either play or don't play. I can give myself crippling aspects such as music, no sound and such. But personally, I don't enjoy the game as much without the audio, but I don't mind having music covering it a bit as long as I can still hear most of the game sounds. It's against my nature to not shoot someone I see, not to turn to someone I hear, not to shoot someone through a wall when they're coming down a choke point and I know they're there whether it be UAV, sound, or just sheer knowledge of how the person plays.

All in all, screwing around isn't fun for everyone, playing normally isn't fun for everyone. Nothing suits everyone(except ice cream, I mean sursly). Not to be rude, but if you want someone to cripple their enjoyment of the game, you should cripple yours as well. Let people play how they want to play, of course that's no excuse for being a dick or trolling in chat, but that's a whole different matter.

I don't wish to make anyone mad, also stating my opinion on this subject, as I've seen it countless times.


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
We could try doing stupid things on the servers to make other players enjoy themselves.

Let's all crawl on the floors on the Broadcast map!! :D *with night vision, in a single file line, armed with pistols*

Or do that weird run with pistols in the air. Making players laugh will make them stay :3


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
I'll say it a third time however you want...i just get tired and irked of defending ppl 20 times a day because they feel the need to make miraculous shots through walls when they're 50 kills ahead and cause ppl to scream hax and what enjoyment of the game gets crippled plenty by modding trust me..but i love this krew..and our home here..i rarely play at i just make these observations in the hopes of keeping a good population going...again no ones telling you how to play..just try to see it from my(our) point of view as the ones who support,mod and provide a place for you to play...I'm sure it's no fun to play against an empty server...

- - - Updated - - -

We could try doing stupid things on the servers to make other players enjoy themselves.

Let's all crawl on the floors on the Broadcast map!! :D *with night vision, in a single file line, armed with pistols*

Or do that weird run with pistols in the air. Making players laugh will make them stay :3

LOL! I love crawling it's so fun,I almost made it around the entire map a few times..


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Well I was by no means suggesting we make everyone play like this, I want everyone to be happy, not just the newbs. It was just a suggestion for people who were ok with toning their game down a bit to give others a chance. If im say playing on TDM and it's just me and a level 10 who just installed, I would go easy on them, let them score a couple kills, not let them think they are completely hopeless, all the while giving them pointers, and I hope they are thinking "hey this server isn't to bad, im not getting completely wrecked by some MLG guy thats been playing since the game was released, I may stick around!"

Anyway im just sayin if your able to, don't cripple yourself, just lower yourself to the skill level of the person you are playing against. If you think it will stifle your own enjoyment of the game don't worry about it, we want everyone to be happy not just the newbs.


|K3| Moderator
I know the feel, I'm also an admin on dB's cod4 servers, and with the amount of people and the fact the servers are cracked there are a lot of cheaters, and it can be irritating at times having to deal with it. A larger staff could help on that standpoint honestly. At dB, we have 32 members that can perm ban, 7 that can do up to two week temp bans. Restrictions on receiving admin powers being at the very least 3 months within the community, and then also up to management. More ban requests submitted tends to speed up the process, and all use of such powers can be monitored through logs, and people can report abuse on the website.

Maybe try having more admins, but only give them temp ban powers, and have them need a demo, then someone higher up can review said demo and decide on whether or not a perm ban is necessary. And of course a 5 second clip of an aimbot on xfire would suffice.

Just throwin' out ideas.


|KKK|'s Swagga McDaddy
Former Krew Member
Sometimes I play games where I wallbang only.. hahaha
Don't worry I'll just go on a rpg rampage instead


|KKK|s Sexiest Voice
|K3| Member
I think there's always going to be people who are freakishly good and people who are shamefully shit at cod, no matter what you do there's always going to be another good player come by that rapes everyone else, and for every one of them there will be some fucktard that spends the whole time bitching about hacks until the leave.
Even as one of those shit players myself, there has been times when people have called hax on me and RQ (even when I haven't been using my m14...) its just how this whole online gaming bidness be.
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