
|KKK| Sargasaurus
Final of second video is pretty cool.

Is this topic just for Dance crew sick video or for all sick video?


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
um well only 2 words can some that up. Holy Shit! ??? that was crazy lol those are the people i imagine would mug me in a back alleyway


|KKK| Sargasaurus
Ok then some sick Poi video

Yuta-one of the best poi player in the world
Yuta- Urban Poi

Yuta II-harder to see what he does with his hand, but its one of the most technical video of poi i've ever seen...

OneWheel's Dave technical poi- This one made me real sick when i watch's just purely disgusting...
Onewheeldave's Technical poi

Pistache-One of the most inspirative video for the girl is really cute:D
Pistache evolution

And a last for the road...Devilstick...and once again, if u just start devil stick, its purely disgusting...
Devil stick Juggle


|KKK| Sargasaurus
no there is sock poi/training poi for practicing before fire avoid serious wound :D

Random, if u search on google you'll find the explaination of how the tricks works...after that should be easy to build it.
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