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|K3| Member

Name some awesome tv shows that are available on Netflix for streaming. That's what I watch now. So it would be a big help.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
The Killing - Season 1. Season two starts tomorrow on AMC.

Right now I'm watching Season one of "24". I've seen every season but the first.


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
Lie To Me is a funny, dramatic, korean comdey series :D

NOTE: Do not use netflix while playing cod. it ffs up your ping!


|K3| Member
I love Archer.

I also watch:

Battlestar Galactica (call me nerd)

The Walking Dead

Breaking Bad

Is 24 that good? It looks kinda drawn out. I don't like shows that go ON and ON and ON. If it's supposed to be a drama and movie-like, it needs a beginning and an end and a coherent story in between. Lost, for example, started out cool, but it LOST it's way (get it? :troll:) and became convoluted and sloppy. 24 seems to have lots of seasons, and I can't imagine it being really.... believable.

Like for instance, one of my alltime favorite series of all time.... :troll: is Cowboy Bebop. It's short, to the point, and is begun and ended. The writers didn't squeeze every last bit of money out of it (and consequently, milk it dry of all its artistic beauty in the process). That's why I like it.

Archer, for example, doesn't have to be like that, IMO. It's a comedy, and is episode by episode. SP is like that as well. I love both shows. Archer is FUNNY AS SHIT!


|KKK| Sargasaurus
imo the 4 first season of 24 were very good.

like i said in movie thread...

actual watched tv show:

Big bang theory
How i met your mother
South Park
The simpsons
Walking Dead
Spartacus (3rd season is ruining all the previous unfortunately)
Game of throne
Bref (webshow in french only unfortunately

I can recommand... Misfits a good english tv show

Also watched Firefly S01 recently...not bad...could be better too cheap to have a real succes imo

In Old tv show chapter:

Six Feet Under-one of the best show ever IMO
Weeds- watched it til she leaves to mexico
Kaamelott- a french parodic tv show on King Arthur's story...awesome, you can maybe find some episode sub english


|K3| Member
This is for tv shows that are available on Netflix, Sarg. Are you saying all these are on netflix?


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Spartacus (3rd season is ruining all the previous unfortunately

I agree 100%. I actually stopped watching it a couple of weeks ago. It feels like a totally different show. The re-castings for Spartacus and Navia? (Crixis woman) are horrible, IMO. Such a shame, it WAS an awesome show.

24 is awesome. Its pretty drawn out i guess since each season is 24 episodes. But the problems and issues that happen in the first 7-10 episodes you've almost already forgotten by episode 15 and on. Non stop twists and turns.

Oz is of course epic. Seen all seasons 3 times :LOL:

Other HBO show that is incredibly well done was The wire. Voted one of the best series ever.

Forgot to add ROME. Another HBO show. Only two seasons because of the huge production budget, but incredible.

Breaking bad is awesome.

Dexter is also very good.

WW2 - Band of brothers and The Pacific.

Generation kill - 6 part HBO mini series about the Iraq war. Very good.
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WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
I reccomend watching The Office and Psych.

Both great shows IMO


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
The Office was great. I stopped watching. Last three or so seasons have been mediocre, IMO. I stopped watching this season.


|KKK| Sargasaurus
If u liked father watch Borgia, IMO between ROME and Spartacus but more political.

IDK TD...maybe...just look after them...Netflix is not available in Belgium so i cant pretty sure all are on netflix (maybe except the french one) but all are well known shows so if they are not on netflix...find another streaming site.

Im watching them on DP stream but like its a french website all their vids are VOsubFR or VF. Can be good if u want to learn french :p And like most of files are Purevid or Mixture...u need an "unleasher" too or a Premium account on Mixture or Purevid.
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