[SOLVED] Permantly banned again

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Private First Class
today i joined your server again just for playing some rounds
but after 20-30 seconds i got banned
i just stayed at my spawn cause i texted something into my console
it was 16:30-40(MEZ) and on the broadcast server ffa think its called server1(long time ago :D)
i dont know if there where any admins on the server
hope the problem get removed


Master Sergeant
I have banned two name-changers at that time. (16:33 and 16:35)

I have screenshots of all players from that time. There is no player with the name "Vaxzr" listed.
Just in case: these are the GUIDs (last 8 digits) of the cheaters:

b3a1efa4 (this one is on punkbuster's index)

I'm quite sure my bans are legitimate.

WaLLy should be able to tell if I have actually banned them. :D
I can provide the screenshots when necessary.


Private First Class
is my guid i used a namechange bind for switching between some names like charlie brown b Vaxzr bREAK Vaxzr and some other names like trollface etc for pub trollin :D
its quite simple: /bind F5 toogle name A;B;C etc


Master Sergeant
I made two screenshots while you made your little visit. You've used at least these names: hac, |KKK|HBeta, Rusty!, Hexor, SeeTeuFeeeeL, and CharlieBrown. All those names belong to actual players on our server.

So you are telling us that you got on our server and you were there for 20 to 30 seconds.
And that you used that time to type the names of all the players into your console to make a toggle-bind?


Here are the screenshots:

I'm looking forward to hear your next story :|


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
i thought my codehook was off ...shit



Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Wow what a loser, you were hacking and now your pissed because your banned?

Like Wally said GTFO, and this krew is probably the best out there since we don't have people like you in it, and FYI Beta doesn't hack he just kicks your ass and you don't like it. :giggle:


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
can this become a flame thread... :giggle:

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