I'm taking a break.


|K3| Member
Girl's goin' good, guitar's goin' good, school's startin' to go well.....

Windows took a shit. Blue screen on start-up always (except safemode). Havin' trouble playin' cod4 on shitty mac, now. Somehow the performance has decreased hugely since the last time I played on mac. Maybe I left my macbook out in the sun too long? Any ideas? I almost can't play, for one. 2, I want windows back, even though mac is good for some shit (all my music stuff is on mac).

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

Also, friend zoned isn't an actual thing. If they aren't looking for a relationship and just wanna get slammed, then yea, being in the friend zone means you won't get any ass. That's just because they don't want to get into a relationship, not because there is some like fucked up thing where they can't fuck friends. I can assure you, while girls all act picky and seem to follow some set of arbitrarily put together commandments, they have no problem fucking friends they think are hot. It's just about whether they want to be with you or not... or be with anyone, for that matter.

I think you still got a shot with that girl, unless you never had a shot at all. Friend-zoned doesn't count.


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
goodluck, just saw this thread lol.

about the mac problems. Did you go pee-pee on it again?


|K3| Member
Someone finally made that joke. Damn y'all are slow.

I been beating that into every tech problem thread for a year now.

It'll be more than a month, and it's not lookin' like ima ever be as active as I was.

Also, there is a vid of me on youtube playin some guitah now. IDK where it is or what the title is. Well I do, but I'm not sharing. It's kinda embarassing.

But, if you can find it, please watch :p
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