Yes, about 3 days ago Stevo pulled a stevo and ragequitted, leaving on a quest for Mount Doom. Out of the fires inside the mountain, he forged the Rings of Elderan [RE], and the Clan of Warriors Against Dutch Hackers was formed. Stevo, using the power of the ring, tried to entice, like a siren, some of our innocent halflings to join. There was an Epic Battle, and then Tony just kinda apologized and decided to come back! Stevo, using his dark powers from the Ring of Elderan, cast a spell on his mighty lair, sealing it and ensuring he would never venture back to the lands of Kaptain Krunch. He also cast a spell stocking his lair with Maple Syrup, his secret weapon.
IT was EPIC dude, can't believe you missed it.
Oh well...