Your Best "Yo Mama" Joke.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Hello Everyone,

I haven't posted a new thread in a while but I thought this would be fun.

Let's hear everyone's best "Yo Mama" joke.

I saw this video and because it relates to call of duty I had to post it.

Anyways, let me hear the best jokes you guys can come up with.

Here is a chance for you post whores to whore it up a bit.

Here's the video. Have fun.

If this is a duplicate thread then I apologize.
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Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Yo mama jokes are kinda what the heck

Yo mama so fat Obi wan Kenobi said "That's No Moon; it's yo mama"

(And the comment at the end of the video)

Yo mama so fat, she sat on a walmart and lowered the prices.

Joe mama I mean er Yo mama is so fat....


|KKK| Member and Official post whore
Former Krew Member
Ya mums so fat that when she stood on the scales it said I want ya weight, not ya phone number.
ya mums so old that she sat behind jesus in third grade.
ya mums so fat that the family portrait had to be taken by satellite.


|KKK|'s Swagga McDaddy
Former Krew Member
yo mummas so fat that when she went to kfc they said which sized bucket do you want and she said the one on the roof.
thats all i got...


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Yo mamma is soooo hairy the only language she know is wookie. :lmao:
Yo mamma is soooo black, than when she went to school at night time she was marked absent. :lmao:


Former Krew Member
Yo Mama's so ugly, when she gets up, the sun goes down!

Yo Mama's so stupid she stole a free sample.

Yo Mama's so fat she's on both sides of the family. :giggle:


Resident Assassin and Ex-Member
Yo mama's so ugly she made an onion cry.

Yo mama's ass is so hairy it looks like Don King's about to pop out and say "Only in America".

Yo mama's so fat that when she died in MW2 evryone got nuked.


Private First Class
Yo momma so fat that when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone.
Yo momma so ugly that not even goldfish crackers smile back.
Yo momma so ugly that Bob the Builder looked at her and said "I CAN'T FIX THAT!"
Yo momma so poor she can't afford to pay attention!

Joe Momma

First Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Your mom is so fat, when she rolled over my super Nintendo she made 4 gameboys

Your mom is so fat when she rolled over a quarter a booger popped out of george washington's nose
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