End Of America?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
This link will take you to a website about the possible "End of America" as
we know it. I don't know how many, if any, of you have read this already
but it's scary. Blu I'm sure has and probably a few others. Anyways, just
wanted to share this and see how you guys (mainly Americans) felt about

P.S. I believe this will only happen if things don't DRASTICALLY change
in Washington. Of course this is just my opinion, but I welcome anyone
else's also.



|K3| Member
China will not grow economically the same wy a free market economy will. After tank man, the gov't did move towards free market more, and the sector for economic growth in the south east (which i visited....shenzhen) is the kind of growth you will see.

As far as outgrowing america economically, I don't think the consumerism in china will be as apparent as in america. The middle class is still extremely small in china. Some evidence of this would be shopping in china is not at all like in america. I went all over the east coast of china, and nowhere was there a store with set prices on the goods. Everything was bartered on.

I think China grows more industrially while america remains the consumers of their goods way more-so than the chinese themselves are.


yea, we're fcked.

Lobbyists lie to congressmen who then pass laws based upon these lies so large corporations get their way for the most financially beneficial laws.
And it's a result of how politicians keep themselves elected by "getting" money for their districts which may or may not be needed.

Mass media lies to people to scare them, people don't do the research to understand the issues and vote accordingly.

It's really depressing to see all this happening knowing that me, as a voter can't help fix the problems using the system which our politicians swear to uphold.


Master Sergeant
Doesn't that go hand in hand with how our economy is doing?

There's a strong connection between economy and currency value although the central bank (whatever that's really called in the US :) ) can as an example print new money to fund their expenses. They can also adjust the prime rate (?) to "stimulate growth".


|K3| Member
There's a strong connection between economy and currency value although the central bank (whatever that's really called in the US :) ) can as an example print new money to fund their expenses. They can also adjust the prime rate (?) to "stimulate growth".

which goes hand in hand with how our economy is doing.


Master Sergeant
The federal bank can try to react to the current situation but if they are stupid/greedy/... they might do w/e they like and there's no (direct) connection to the currency value then.
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Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
There's a strong connection between economy and currency value although the central bank (whatever that's really called in the US :) ) can as an example print new money to fund their expenses. They can also adjust the prime rate (?) to "stimulate growth".

Here (USA) it's called the FED (Federal Reserve System) and for one it's not even considered "federal" because it's not part of the government. Two is printing the money, which they can now print limitless since the end of the Glass–Steagall Act which limited them to print only up to a 10:1 ratio. This means that for every dollar the FED takes in they could put out 10 more, and also charge interest too to make money, but without this act the ratio is limitless, they could do a 1000:1 ratio if they wanted. The creation of the FED here in America was ultimately going to end America as we know it, and with how corrupt our government is now its happening very quickly, it's very sad to see our country go down the toilet like it is.

And to what Dude said, yeah China's economy is not like ours here in America, they now are the producers and we are the consumers. But let me say this, what do you think will happen to China's economy when America's falls since we are China's biggest consumer, who then will buy all the crap they make? What needs to happen is instead of being de-industrialized like we are we need to build up the private businesses again like they use to be (the ones that create the jobs), and to end the FED once and for all and return the power of currency back to the states where it belongs!!
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