Ever wonder...


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Just wondering how come the French don't get that much loving in the Cod series. They have 4 official games in WW2 settings, and the French was only featured in one of them, CoD 3. Racism? Stereotype?

And how come no developers have ever tried to display WW2 through the eyes and view of a German, Japanese or Italian soldiers? It would be very interesting to see WW2 through their eye and from their point of view. Association with Nazism isn't always bad, sure, most Nazi members are assholes, but look at John Rabe, whose political party was Nazi, yet he saved many lives during the Rape of Nanking by helping to establish the Nanking Safety Zone. Or Oskar Schindler, who *gasp* is another Nazi, who saved well over 1,000 Jewish lives, posing them as workers in his factory, and was buried with honor in a Jewish cemetary site. Or Chiune Sugihara (scroll down the page) who saved an estimate of 6,000 Jewish people from death. It seems that associating your WW2 game with the Axis is like insulting and making fun of the Holocaust while being racist at the same time. Yet this is almost like how Hitler view the Jewish people himself, only this time, you are being prejudice against Germans, Italians and Japaneses simply because of their association to the Axis Powers.

So :adolf: any of you who think I'm a Nazi sympathiser, because I'm not. I do however, sympathise for the people who were treated badly because of their allegiance the the Axis Power, like those who were affected by the Japanese internment camp.

P.S: I'm confused, does this thread belong in the political discussion or does it belong in the gaming section, or the lounge?

Happy reading.


|K3| Member
I oppose Nazis and the Third Reich of course. It doesn't mean there weren't other factors at play. Diffusion of Responsibility is a fact of reality on small scales and large scales.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Maybe because history is written by the winners


osker shindler wasn't really a nazi, he just became one so he could get moar money.
just later in life, he saved jews for human rights.

Im actually readding "Anne Frank's Diary" in language arts class.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
Yeah.. Oskar Schindler was not a Nazi, he was however not Jewish, and fit into Hitlers perfect race (Arian) due o the fact that he had blond hair and blue eyes, he saved many thousands of Jews by getting them jobs at his factory, and saying he needed them to supply the Nazi party with resources.

He did not 'pretend' that they were his workers, he hired them, and payed them.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
And you are saying that the Japanese are often thought of as part of the axis just because they were allied to Germany for quite a while? That's bullshit, they bombed Australia many times, and took many of our soldiers as prisoners of war, including my mum's great-uncle.

He was held in a PoW camp for 3 or 4 years, in terrible conditions, the allies of Germany are not only thought of as bad due to the fact that they allied themselves to it, but also because they themselves committed many bombings and war crimes.


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
They WERE ally to Italy and Germany till the very end. Fact, no arguement. Whether they had the same goal as as Germany or Italy was a different story.

But no, felon. You sidetracked off a cliff. I'm not denying that the Japanese army was responsible for some horrendous and unforgivetable crime. I'm just saying that no one should condemn a PERSON just because they are associated with a bad organization/political party, but rather judge them based on their moral values etc...However, what you say about Japan allying itself with Germany is true. But that's for another discussion.

My bad on the Oskar Schindler part. I remember seeing the movie when I was young and so I don't remember very much about him. Shoulda read mote about him before posting.
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Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Yeah.. Oskar Schindler was not a Nazi, he was however not Jewish, and fit into Hitlers perfect race (Arian) due o the fact that he had blond hair and blue eyes, he saved many thousands of Jews by getting them jobs at his factory, and saying he needed them to supply the Nazi party with resources.

He did not 'pretend' that they were his workers, he hired them, and payed them.

Not all of his credit goes to himself.
His wife also took care of the factory when Oskar was arrested for the 3rd time.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
i never said u said that.
i was just acknowleding him
wasn't an argument


|K3| Member
And you are saying that the Japanese are often thought of as part of the axis just because they were allied to Germany for quite a while? That's bullshit, they bombed Australia many times, and took many of our soldiers as prisoners of war, including my mum's great-uncle.

He was held in a PoW camp for 3 or 4 years, in terrible conditions, the allies of Germany are not only thought of as bad due to the fact that they allied themselves to it, but also because they themselves committed many bombings and war crimes.

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