Trump for President?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Yes I am talking about Donald Trump. I have heard that he is considering running for president, MAY run. He didn't say for sure, but I wanted to know what you guys think? Personally I think he would do a good job, hell look at how he's done is businesses. He's even had to file for bankruptcy and look where he's at now. He certainly knows what he's doing when it comes to business and decision making.

I realize the government isn't exactly a business but it does have alot of similarities. I don't know who else will run other than Obama of course, but I just wanted to see what everyone though about it. Honestly I believe Obama will be a one term president but we will see. Depending on who else was running.. I'd probably vote for him :D


|K3| Member
Well, actually brian, our government IS technically a business. I am sure you can find AMPLE literature analyzing in detail how our government is a profit maximizing business. It is kinda scary that at this point I would trust Trump to be more moral in his decision making than most career politicians I see. I certainly think, if anything, he will do a better job of keeping us afloat, no matter what the costs. The only problem is the "no matter what the costs." I do not know much about him, though, in terms of his career. I am assuming that as a business owner he has had to take some big risks financially (the fact that you said he went bankrupt may be an example), and I don't know if we want that in our government. (big risk=high return)

It would be nice to have a president who was less of a political face/salesman for the people making the decisions and more of an actual decision maker. Also be nice to have a president who understands in actuality how our economy works and has first hand experience in it. Donald trump, Obama, Sarah Palin, they all have at least this one thing in common though, they are salesman at their core. They manipulate. They get you to like them, get you to trust them. Not with their actions, but with their words and their persona. That's cheap to me. That's not who i want in office. The American people deserve a president who does not manipulate his people.

While I stubbornly disagree with most of what you anti-obama people are saying, I do not wish him to be in office for 2 terms if he continues to act as he is now. He is certainly using his powers as executor a lot (i HAVE looked at obamas executive orders) and while the orders he has made are not anything close to "bad," they are not what I would be focusing my attention on in our current situation. It seems like Obama is being played to do a whole lot of bullshit for people that have interest in him, and people who secure him support. It's just too slimy.


The Moment

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I think he would be a pretty good president. Not our best, but he wouldn't be the worst.


Master of BluballZ
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LoL, well the worst I am starting to believe is the one we have now. I think Trump could also be a good president because of like Brian said, he's a business man and knows how to run things in the private business and to make things work. Dude keeps saying that Government is a business but I really don't see how, he told me that politicians "sell" themselves to be the ones in charge, but for me a business is an organization that actually sells products to consumers and good prices, things they need or want. Government just makes money from the tax dollars they get from us, IMO that's not business because they are not giving us an actual "product". Well that's how I see it anyways, but I can say for sure if Trump or even Ron Paul ran for president, I would vote for either one of them in a heartbeat, it's certainly better than what we have now. :D


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
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As i will be eligable to vote in the next presidential election, ill probably vote for Trump if Obama doesnt start to get better.
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