A Sudden Death question


Ok, time is running out. Then the clock hits zero and it's Sudden Death, No Respawn.

Up comes the radar.

The question is - Do you still show up on the radar if you are using a ghost class (UAV jammer, silencer, etc).

And how much does it suck when you die about 2 seconds before Sudden Death??


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Re: An Sudden Death question

I think UAV jammer and dead silence are still in effect.


Re: An Sudden Death question

Ok, time is running out. Then the clock hits zero and it's Sudden Death, No Respawn.

Up comes the radar.

The question is - Do you still show up on the radar if you are using a ghost class (UAV jammer, silencer, etc).

And how much does it suck when you die about 2 seconds before Sudden Death??

I think there are still in effect also.

ANd ya I fucking hate when that happends so I camp 5 seconds before :)


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Re: An Sudden Death question

When I hear the ticking start, I nade myself and get my stealth class out :p


Re: An Sudden Death question

It REALLY sucks when I die a few seconds before Sudden Death :(
Although I die alot so it doesn't matter ;D


Re: An Sudden Death question

I always die like 1 second before sudden death :'(


Ive tried that with my ninja class (gold uzi silenced, bombsquad, uav jammer, death silence)
And ive noticed that ppl only see me when i popup on their screen. Before that i think they cant see me on the UAV or that they just dont look at their radar.

And i always manage to die exactly 3 sec before sudden death..


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend
I'm pretty sure all stealth perks are off under sudden death. Otherwise someone could hide forever in overgrown or creek. And every match would be a draw. Check it sometime. Ill be on in about 2 hours and we'll experiment.


Hmmm, so I guess my ghost class is pretty useless then. Maybe a Jugg/Double tap class might be more appropriate.

Lost my goddam silencers anyway (\rant)


|KKK| Sargasaurus
ur ight Foe Uav jammer is off when SD come...look at the other team to see that, when some people use stealth classes they appears on ur radar when SD come.

Stealth class is pretty useless in Sudden Death.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
No wonder! A couple times, I thought people were wallhacking cuz I was using stealth and they still got me! lol
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