Funny comments in shoutbox! :D


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
EarthRager Ptah: 96%math test! BROFIST ME!
New [11:58] AVC: fist you? no thanks
New [11:58] SteelHorse: and nice man
New [11:58] SteelHorse: very cool dude
New [11:58] AVC: ah WTH, gimme a glove, and lots of lube
New [11:58] EarthRager Ptah: really AVC? really?
New [11:59] AVC: hey, you suggested it


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[01:46] WaLLy:

[01:47] HIBred: :K
[01:47] Sargass: blu's new avatar?

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
[01:48] Ethan: A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended."
[02:26] PwnSauce: Dutch people can't be heros


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
02:07 PwnSauce When was i being a dick xeph?
02:08 PwnSauce ordinarily i'm a pretty nice person but when someone ongoingly gives me shit, he gets shit.


Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
1 Minute Ago <Rival> Who's the ghey?
1 Minute Ago <Bot> You are!!
1 Minute Ago <PwnSauce> well done


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
<SteelHorse> man we had a hot waiter tonight

^^before Steel knew we can edit our own shout comments


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
32 Minutes Ago <loggy> can i play on the minecraft server as the player viggo
32 Minutes Ago <loggy> ???
30 Minutes Ago <Titoezz> No, you must play with the name "CAWK", im sorry.
30 Minutes Ago <loggy> whaaat
29 Minutes Ago <loggy> what dose that mean???
29 Minutes Ago <SteelHorse>
28 Minutes Ago <Titoezz> ask ur brother, he knows a lot about CAWK!

No Tito. I don't :|


<Cryogenic Flare> and seriously wtf? why would you change my words like that? Do you get pleasure out of others suffering? It would explain why your horny


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
<SiloHunter> How much money would Santa get if he sold the list of all the naughty girls?
<Macbeth> (ho)(ho)(ho)=ho^3
<PwnSauce> All women can be made naughty
<Macbeth> you gonna give us the answer to the joke silo? heh.
<SiloHunter> Just wonderin. No answer.
<Macbeth> ah.
<Macbeth> you coulda said something like "a ho ho hole lot of money." :/
<HIBred> :lmao:
<HIBred> good one


Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
3 Minutes Ago <DamageINC> Do you snowboard?
1 Minute Ago <MikeK> No, havent even tried
1 Minute Ago <DamageINC> you should try
1 Minute Ago <MikeK> idk... then I'll have to buy or rent a snowboard and I'm too lasy
1 Minute Ago <DamageINC> lol
1 Minute Ago <MikeK> plus Im very good in skiing and I dont want to waste time learning to snowboard
1 Minute Ago <MikeK> Plus skiing is a bit more comfortable... U dont have to jump like a retarded penguin if u need to walk somewhere
1 Minute Ago <DamageINC> :lmao:
1 Minute Ago <DamageINC> Im too fat to ski
1 Minute Ago <TheDude> i feel like if you want to walk with your snowboard, you just take your feet out
1 Minute Ago <DamageINC> I could sled down on my fat ass
1 Minute Ago <TheDude> Damage just goes to the tubing lanes.
1 Minute Ago <TheDude> Without a tube.
1 Minute Ago <MikeK> lol

Cryogenic Flare

The King of Tags
Former Krew Member
2:17 PM <Cryogenic Flare> :batman_call::dwarf::exactly:
2:17 PM <Cryogenic Flare> :asshat::research::goodluck::tf::tf::tf::tf:
2:17 PM <Cryogenic Flare> :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
2:18 PM <Cryogenic Flare> okay nvm then
2:18 PM <Cryogenic Flare> bye
2:38 PM <PwnSauce> Spammer
2:38 PM <TheAkimBro> Dude... no
2:38 PM <TheAkimBro> Ban fromforums
2:38 PM <TheAkimBro>
2:40 PM <HIBred> translation: a group picketing someone looking for an asshat in the classifieds
2:40 PM <HIBred> and he's having trouble finding a good ass hat
2:43 PM <HIBred> i'm out..time to go ass hat shopping

Bred, I givth thee the title of "Cryo's New translator"!


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
<TheAkimBro> She likes video games and shes hot
<PwnSauce> Is her name Herrie Palmz?
<TheAkimBro> Nope Lynzlee
<TheAkimBro> And im freeballin in my PJs.
6:35 PM <PwnSauce> that's it . i'm outta here
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