Your views on hacking, spawncamping, boosting etc

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No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
Hey guys,
Whats your opinion on hacking, spawncamping, boosting etc.


|K3| Member
i think they are just noobs, idiots and the only reason why they do it is that they are losers without doing it


I think most people overreact to these things.

They're another part of the landscape which must be dealt with like other issues like funding the servers, recruiting good players into the krew or setting up matches against other clans. (Ladders)

deal with it.


Hackers i hate, and have to say that the spawnkilling will be increasing when there are more then 15 players in the server(on s1 FFA),
I dont like spawncampers but sometimes there are more then 3 spawnplaces in a single area and willing or not you have to spawnkill to stay alive, cant help it .
I am glad that this server (and hope the other servers are too), is still controlled and watched by a great group of admins,so thats a complement to the KKK crew.
Boosting ? dont know about that one if its like a better health i think its cheating/hacking and i hate it.
Again the servers are properly controlled and watched by the admins and that makes me come again to a server.

the only thing to complain at this moment are the server lags, hope that the lag isseus will be fixed soon, i have trust on that.
thumbs up to KKK crew/clan

Allah..... :pDT_Armataz_01_37:


|K3| Member
until there are around 30 people on the server, people dont really just spawn in front of you. Until there are around 35-40 people, people don't spawn in front for you to a large degree. Spawncamping is easily avoidable, even when there are 30 people on. I will say that I end up spawnkilling a lot, more than I would like, but if I don't , those people will most likely kill me. If you camp, however, spawncamping is a lot harder to avoid with an overpopulated server. My only piece of advice is, don't camp when you know it's going to lead to spawncamping.


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
Yes Hacking is something wrong and if u do it u will get banned. Spawn camping is just as bad u take advantage of an obvious exploit in game same as glitching IMO.(though not as bad as MW2s spawning system but dont get me started on that).


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
i think spawn killing is bad and hacking is just for those who dont know how to play but i dont think boosting is bad i do it sometimes to

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Boosting is just lame....
Hackers are faggots....
I hate spawncampers...
End of Story!


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member

i just HATE


we ALL boost some time, "Hey Dude, wanna do some Headshots"?

admit it guys, lol, you've all said that at least once or twice.

i don't mind boosting in a server where there are no people, but like for MW2, i hate nuke boosters.

in a full server, you shouldn't boost.


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
ugh Boosters on MW2 are a whole nother story these people should get their ass kicked for doing that nonsense lol.


Flying Dutchman
|K3| Member
Camping and spawncampers are just kids who don't get the game yet.

Hackers are just assholes ruining our time, Hackers don't play the game. They are one of the biggest losers is the world.


|K3| Member
i don't think boosting on empty servers is such a problem. You can have all the perks and shit, but still not be good. The starting weapons are all pwn IMO, mp5, m16, m40, m9. You can pwn very well with these weapons. And who cares about gold weapons? If you suck and have a gold weapon, you still suck.


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
i like gold weapons but i rather try to earn them than boosting although like i said before i boost sometimes to but i do hate spawn campers and hackers


|K3| Member
dude if you boost you will remain bad.
if you hack you will remain bad.
i dont think anyone seriosuly fools themselves into believing they are good when they hack.

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
hey Guys,
Its good to see so many posts lol, thanks for shearing your opinions with me


Hacking is a total waste of time. You may as well have not bought the game.

Spawncamping is another WOFTAM. Shooting fish in a barrel. You may as well watch TV. Unless there are like 18 players in the server and the map rotates to shipment. Then everywhere you turn is a spawn point. So break out the SAW. The round will be over in a few minutes. If you don't get kicked from the server, or someone gets the shits and rotates the map.

Boosting? I find that working to acquire the gold weps the hard way makes you a better player, and gives you an appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of the various weapons. The challenges are fun to do, but some of them can distract you from the game. I remember getting assistance to get rid of the last few just to get them out of the way. No biggie.

Y()()() M()N

The Old Guy
|K3| Member
exactly most of the places i have been complaining about peeps for months and months in a1.which by the way, i gave up complaining about
So is someone who continually runs back and forth between those described spawns waits for a few seconds and then kills people , ie Swed, is that not spawncamp? or is it spawnrape ? its kinda lame if you ask me
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