Where I've Been of Late (yes, i copied lol)


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Hey guys! As you may have noticed, i wasn't on for some time. This is going to be happening for a lil' bit more. The main fault for my absence in CoD4 is that my grandpa sadly passed away :(.

Plus, school started today. I'll try to be on some time, maybe once or twice. I could also be on MW2, cuz that stupid thing has really gotten me addicted, if you see me on, feel free to say hi!

See ya on the servers!


P.S: this absences won't be very long like AVC or McFoe.
My guess is like a week or two weeks.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Cent0, sorry to hear about your grandpa. I was your age when mine passed away. The best thing to do is try to comfort your parent (whoever lost their dad) and be with them as support.

Take your time. We'll be here if you need to let something out. :)
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