Clan Battle: |KKK| vs. <<SR>>


|K3| Member
im for it, i got serious beef with one of their members for an illegitimate perm ban (of me). We'd better win if we play them...


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
im definately in, always up for a good fight, even if i lose(which is alot)


|K3| Member
we should do some snd practices as a clan, or just more clan scrims. We are not organized. They seem to all be organized campers.


Eskimo with Eskiho's
|K3| Member
ok just throwing this out here,
we need ventrillo
we need to organize into certain squads

1 squad needs to have an amazing sniper and someone who is good at smg's (basic idea, snipe with smg back cover)
2 squad needs to have two assault (basic idea, need flashbangs so they can clear out small rooms with campers)
3 squad needs to have two lmg (basic idea, they provide heavy fire and covering fire when in same vacinity)
(overall idea, each squad has 2 people and both work as a team to achieve the goal of killing the enemy)
(this is for tdm style, though which game type do we plan to play?)


Good stuff Igno, we definitely need to use some tactics b/c we're way to disorganized right now to mount any serious challenge to an experienced opponent.

ok just throwing this out here,
we need ventrillo
we need to organize into certain squads

1 squad needs to have an amazing sniper and someone who is good at smg's (basic idea, snipe with smg back cover)
2 squad needs to have two assault (basic idea, need flashbangs so they can clear out small rooms with campers)
3 squad needs to have two lmg (basic idea, they provide heavy fire and covering fire when in same vacinity)
(overall idea, each squad has 2 people and both work as a team to achieve the goal of killing the enemy)
(this is for tdm style, though which game type do we plan to play?)


Eskimo with Eskiho's
|K3| Member
ok here is what i put together for each game type, here are my team strategies

S&D: one person needs to have extreme condition and juger. one sniper needs to cover the the runner, which means sniper will need to have extrm. condition on as-well. 2 people will need to have either silenced assault or smgs or red dot lmg's for covering/suppressing fire

DOM: self explanatory but C4 needs to be tactically inserted so enemies can't take over flags, also with teams of 4, 2 people need to capture flags and 2 snipers are need to cover open areas

CTF: sort of similar to S&D, you need the same strategy but the sniper needs to hang back and cover the flag and flag runner, preferable there needs to be two snipers, one runner, and one lmg/assualt

HQ: simple, get 2 guys in to capture and 2 guys to hand back and defend...snipers are not needed here but can be useful on large maps, but small to medium, snipers are not needed.

SAB: ok this game type is a full team effort 1 sniper, 1 lmg, 1 smg, and 1 assault with under-barrel grenade launcher. you have to be a pack of wolves here, sniper hardly ever goes rogue he is the top cover, the other 3 cover while a runner retrieves bomb, runner then joins pack and you run/walk bomb to objective. Once at objective runner plants bomb with no one in the flash/stun bang radius. sniper is on point looking towards the bomb sight and not away from, the lmg and assault need to find ambush and choke points to hold runner needs to cover the objective


|K3| Member
iggy you should play some s&d with me. I don't want to be mean, but depending on the map, your strategy will not work. You got snipers to pick off the guys from getting to your support guys. Your run and gunners get in there first and clear a hole, then your guys with aks and shit come in more slowly with the bomb carrier and plant. ( this is what i believe to work). The perks should be whatever works best for the person, cuz really you just want them to get kills. Also, dead silence is invaluable.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Well we probobly need to set up some practice scrims to practice our stratiges, and I think any headset Would work, we just need to use em, maybe play some left 4 dead 2 matches to build teamwork
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