I am quite the fan of BB, but must admit that I'm almost more excited for BCS. Skylar was always a huge bore for me, and I often skipped through her and Walt's dialogues. What's more, I found myself increasingly siding with Gus' original take on W.W. as his character, i.e. ego, progressed. I mean, so much of that shit was pointless; nobody was having a good time - that is, if their criminality had rewards I saw no tangible enjoyment of them. Sure, cash, but we all know what happened there.
Meanwhile, Saul and co. always brought the entertainment. Sure, they were dragged into some shit from time to time - the cost of doing a certain kind of business - but they certainly had a bit of fun at it. Huell is a great example; and the stunt they pulled on the train heist? Hilarious stuff. Saul was also a schmoozer and had all of the interesting connections: a much richer tapestry to explore...
In the end we'll be chilling with the 'C' team, but the 'C' team still knows all of the same stories as the 'A' team (I pity the fool!), even played some part in a few, with far less of the seriousness and drama of the 'A' team. Saul gets it: if you're not enjoying breaking the law, why the hell are you doing it?
We are in for a treat!