mass effect 2


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend
on a serious not though I would highly recommend playing mass effect 1. Its definately in my top 10.


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend
i played the first one on xbox and it was amazing. the only negative was the elevator load times. all the reviewers slammed bioware for this so i think they addressed it for the sequel. I may go buy this tonight!


mass effect 2. lol never heard of it.
well if its out in america it will probably b out in nz in like couple of it any good?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Watch a trailer or something its amazing. And its out in europe and stuff for over a month now so...

Magzi [FIN]

It's a good game. I played it a few days but i haven't played it much anymore. It just gets somehow dull after a while. :-X


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I have it. It's a fun game, although i have not played it in quite some time. Not really sure why, i just tend to do that with games.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
honestly, i dislike 3 person view for gun games. plus, if the whole game there is some women voice that talks throughout the whole game, it might get annoying


Eskimo with Eskiho's
|K3| Member
i agree with cent0 on that one though the lvl 19 in MW2 getting 3rd is actually really helpful when running around with a shotgun... my opinion though
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