I'm trying to create a media player that can load MULTIPLE CLIPS at a time. Just load. Not play.
When you load the program, I was hoping that the user can click "load" and select different files for each of the buttons.
Once the clips have all been loaded, the user can go through and click a "play" button that corresponds with the Load Button.
I also hoped that beside each "play" button, there be a Loop Checkbox (if ticked, it loops the video)
The Program so far: http://puu.sh/6ipGy.png
Current Source:
Current Project Files:
https/www.dropbox.com/s/zul78tjc1hw3wax/Media Player.rar
If anyone could help, that would be amazing.
When you load the program, I was hoping that the user can click "load" and select different files for each of the buttons.
Once the clips have all been loaded, the user can go through and click a "play" button that corresponds with the Load Button.
I also hoped that beside each "play" button, there be a Loop Checkbox (if ticked, it loops the video)
The Program so far: http://puu.sh/6ipGy.png
Current Source:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MediaPlayer{publicpartialclassForm1:Form{
privatevoidForm1_Load(object sender,EventArgs e){
MediaPly _mp =null;privatevoid button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(this)==DialogResult.OK){
_mp =newMediaPly();}}
privatevoid button2_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){
privatevoid button3_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(this)==DialogResult.OK){
_mp =newMediaPly();}}privatevoid button4_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){
privatevoid button5_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(this)==DialogResult.OK){
_mp =newMediaPly();}}
privatevoid button6_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){
Current Project Files:
https/www.dropbox.com/s/zul78tjc1hw3wax/Media Player.rar
If anyone could help, that would be amazing.
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