Promod Killcams Vote / Version Change


|K3| Moderator
Since people from the beginning have been asking for killcams on Promod I'm just gonna make a vote for it.
DOWNSIDES : Makes ghosting a bit easier, and people call hacks 30 times more because they only see a short time before.

You guys can post the upsides if you wanna swing a bit in your favor.

I'm going to use strawpoll so people not on the forums can also vote.
I ask for two things. DON'T vote on it if you don't play on the server at all. DON'T message random people with it asking for them to vote for your choice on the poll.


Gonna change the promod version to 206 as it runs smoother. CFG will stay the same.


Former Krew Member
Voted yes.
It's just another tool we can use while deciding whether or not to bring the ban-hammer down on a player.
Plus, it's nice to see some sick kills every now and then too.


Private First Class
Yes It is a public promod server not lan there should be killcams so if you think that was a fishy shot and see the killcam and realize that is was legit


|K3| Moderator
Yes It is a public promod server not lan there should be killcams so if you think that was a fishy shot and see the killcam and realize that is was legit

Typically its more calling BS than it fixing. QQ HOW U NO I WUZ DER U CUDNT EVN C ME. O U SAW ME B4 KILLCAM? BS NOOB CHET.

But oh well. Vote is going to be a yes pretty heavily so it doesn't matter.


|K3| Member
Typically its more calling BS than it fixing. QQ HOW U NO I WUZ DER U CUDNT EVN C ME. O U SAW ME B4 KILLCAM? BS NOOB CHET.

But oh well. Vote is going to be a yes pretty heavily so it doesn't matter.

I think it's more dependent on the person.. I think most people that whine hack after watching the killcam would still cry without them.


Former Krew Member
Was this waiting on anything?
I would change it but I'm not all that fantastic with server configurations.


|K3| Moderator
Killcams now up. Server no longer on redirect(still takes no time to dl because the files are tiny).

Decided against version change.
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