Check the value of your Steam account!


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
Hey guys,

Found something pretty cool today. It allows you to see the value, time played and years of activity of your steam account.

After checking my value, I was completely surprised. I had thought at most mine would be about $300.

Check it out, you're going to be amazed!


Check yours!

EDIT: It also lets you see the games you and your friends have in common!

EDIT 2: Your account must be publicly veiwable for this to work... and you can only see games your other publicly viewable friends have. If not, you can't see their stuff.

EDIT 3: Some of you are not getting correct results so:

The thing you type in the box is NOT your steam name. It is your community ID. Notice the URL it asks you to complete:

You can find this by opening steam, going to the tab with your name on it and clicking profile, as shown here:

Then at the top, right under the tabs, it should have a URL with your steam ID:

Keep in mind, yours is most likely a mess of numbers, much like the Krew steam's ID:
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Former Krew Member
I like how you haven't played either of your most expensive games Kessa, but have played almost 100 hours on ragnarok 2. :D


Former Krew Member
Over the last 1 year, you've spent 837.4 hours playing this selection, which includes 55 items, is valued at $947.58, and requires 311.28 GB

WOW! I didn't know that loool


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Over the last 4 years, you've spent 1155.6 hours playing this selection, which includes 44 items, is valued at $620.66, and requires 211.83 GB


Recruitment Team
Over the last 2 years, you've spent 280.8 hours playing this selection, which includes 9 items, is valued at $189.93, and requires 64.01 GB :)
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