Seeing as purple might not be the most favorite color, please suggest a color that you think should be used for Member of the Month and Staff Member of the Month. Or shall we make them different colors?
Please specify which color should be used by entering the HTML color code using this website:
Suggestions should be made like this to show people how the color looks like:
DarkOrange = #FF8C00
Golden Rod = #DAA520
MediumSeaGreen = #3CB371
MediumSpringGreen = #00FA9A
Please specify which color should be used by entering the HTML color code using this website:
Suggestions should be made like this to show people how the color looks like:
DarkOrange = #FF8C00
Golden Rod = #DAA520
MediumSeaGreen = #3CB371
MediumSpringGreen = #00FA9A
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