New Forum logo !


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
SO, me and Wally were talking and we thought a new logo would be in order.

Not only signifying KKK, but with a cool logo / emblem as well, like the ones in BO for example. Something with guns and skulls and other cool stuff.

If any graphic aficionado's are interested in giving it a shot, that would be great.

Have at it.



Those are good but let's try to:
- keep it simple, otherwise it's forgettable
- pick some krew kolors to stick to also, that way it's more memorable for people.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I didn't know we had krew colors?

No guidelines here, just make what you think looks best.

Book's is awesome.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I didn't know we had krew colors?

No guidelines here, just make what you think looks best.

Book's is awesome.

I didn't either. I guess he probably means like the cod (or army) colors, ergo green, and the like.

And there are some guidelines.

Here is what we currently have.

dimensions: 100 x 100
size: 16KB

forum banner:
dimensions: 960 x 150
size: 78KB

The favicon's size can be whatever.

The forum banner MUST be in .png format and have a clear background. I would like it to be smaller than what it currently is (size & dimension wise). Of course, I wouldn't limit either, but it would be nice to have an image that isn't load heavy. We all want a speedy forum right? ;)

I would also like to personally ask Take, Tito & 360 to submit their work :D :thanks:


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
While we're at it, if anyone can either create or find the following buttons/icons, that would be great:

I would also like those to be in .png (clear) format.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I meant guidelines as far as content. Well , i guess it needs to have KKK or K3 in it or something.


|K3|'s Horror Fanatic
Former Krew Member
Wait, so basically... you're remodeling the home page?

or i mean the banner.

i really wish i could edit the banner. but the size is far too large.
i have cs6 photoshop on a mac and it's lagging. that's not good. lol. :\
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Vodka supplier
|K3| Member


|K3|'s Horror Fanatic
Former Krew Member
Rival, he wants the background transparent and the colors to be like... green ish modern warfare or something idk
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