Agressive Inline Skating


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
I've been really into roller blading lately....

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|K3| Member

These kids should wear pants that fit so they don't have to pull them up while skating. I'd hate to think how embarrassing it would be to eat shit and break something just cuz your pants fall down. Or would I hate to think :troll:

So which one are you kessa? XD


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
I have no idea why they all wear such baggy pants, but this video still inspires me to become one of them x3

/me trying to learn backwards skating atm. :D


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
hrmm call me crazy but..skating backwards with ur pants falling down and ass crack showing is asking for trouble...jus sayin..


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
For me, I put all of my weight on my left foot, than twist my right foot and make somewhat of a 'sweep'.

There are a lot of different ways to stop though, I just find that way the easiest :3

- - - Updated - - -

Here's a tut, I do the power slide.

TD skate? :D
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