How to report Hackers


Ok all,
What to do if there is a hacker in a server.

Firstly, DON'T yell out OMG OMG HACKER!!! It can scare them off. We want to rid our servers of them, so they don't come back

- Hit Tab, see if an admin is in the server
- If there is one, ask them to go to shout. The hacker may not even know what that means anyway. Preferably, don't say it in-game unless you have to.
- If not, go to shout box anyway, give us the server and a NAME! That way, if an admin comes on later they may still see the message.
- Report the hacker in this thread



I don't think people are reading this b/c we're still getting people running in and saying "HACKER HACKER!"

Once again, if you spot a hacker:
1. Check to see if there is an admin on the server with you. Tell him to check shout and tell him there.
2. If no admin on the server, just tell the shout this: Server 1, Name, Aimbot



|KKK| Member and Official post whore
Former Krew Member
thanks thats a favour 4 me i always spot hackers but i yell out HACKER HACKER and that scares them off cause i threaten to tell an admin at the servers.
thanks now i know what to do in the likely case of a hacker


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
If no admins or mods are on, i don't have a problem with players calling out hacker in game. If they do that, half the time they leave so its effective. When players call out a hacker in game when I'm on s1, i still usually get them or their GUID's.


|KKK| Member and Official post whore
Former Krew Member
but if they get scared off they just come back when no admin is on


Shades, eternal shades.
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
PwnSauce suggested that if theres a mod on the server, just say wassup and the hackers name to give the mod a heads up.
For example: wassup someone360


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
yes he did so we dont confuse it with ppl that actually ask wasup.


JH324KJ32H4KJH32 was hacking earlier, sorry for the misplaced thread. It was the 24/7 nuketown domination server, he had left when i checked last just giving you an update. thanks


Actually, simply throwing grenades at the aimbot in question works fine if theres a lack of mods. No aim hacker enjoys having a negative KDR, they leave pretty fast. If its a wallhacker or no recoil, spectate them and go pwn thier ass, they always sucked anyway.

BTW if there is a mod on and he hasnt noticed the aimbotter, dont say go to shout. Go slap him and say quit going AFK!
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