NEW Speakers! Getting a piar of bookshelves!


|K3| Member
I want a nice pair of bookshelves for a more studio-listening environment.

Again, I will be going with Polk just because I get crazy discounts.

If I can get a better speaker for the same price with my discounts, please let me know.

So I have basically 2 options I'm considering.

Starting again with the highest price.... (prices are all for pairs)

The RTi Series

The RTi A3 @ $140 (retail $400) -

1x1" tweeter - 2.8 KHz - 27 kHz
1x6.5" mid/woofer - 40Hz - 2.8 kHz

TSi series

The TSi200 @ $112 (retail $320) -

1x1" tweeter
2x 5 1/4" Mid/woofer

And lastly, because I want to do music stuff with my speakers (using them sort of as monitors), I am wondering if it is better to choose between these 2 in the near future, or to save up and buy a pair of these, 1 at a time:

LSi Bookshelf speakers. They have much better high end, with very nice tweeters. They have a woofer and midrange as well. However, they retail for $750 EACH ($1500 for the pair). I'd be able to get them for about $265 EACH ($530 for the pair)

So what's your input, guys?

I know Tito's dad builds speakers, so maybe tito can recommend here.

Also, are there any better deals out there? Can I get better sound for the same price?
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Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
My dad doesn't build them, he deals them, as in buying them cheap refurbishing reselling etc.
But once again, that is the EU market, and i doubt my dad knows about Polk.

I'll ask him though.


|K3| Member
Or does anyone know a good pair of monitors?

I am now torn between NOT getting a discount and saving up to buy a pair of nice, FLAT monitors (not literally flat), or just taking my discount and getting dank bookshelves for 130 bux a pair.
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