Black Ops 2 Getting Ranked Dedicated Servers on PC


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
June 2012
It was
confirmed today by PC Gamer Magazine that Black Ops 2 will be getting dedicated servers. That only left people wondering if these dedicated servers would be ranked (game statistics get sent back to a central database so you can see stats and rank up, etc) or unranked.

Treyarch’s Call of Duty games have supported ranked dedicated servers with the last few installments, so it was hoped that this would also be the case with Black Ops 2. That turned out to be true when Treyarch’s @Pcdev confirmed in a Tweet moments ago that there would indeed be ranked server support for Black Ops 2.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Yes, but they are all unrentable which means that they will all be run by Activision.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will release for just about every console, but Activision is giving PC players a heads-up with some early, nitty-gritty information. The company recently detailed security measures, matchmaking, and servers for computer players.

A blog post goes through the highlights. For security, Activision touts its own "proprietary server-side anti-cheat technology" to work alongside the Valve anti-cheat system. It also promises more effective player reporting, and a dedicated PC anti-cheat team. "We have a zero tolerance policy on cheating," it says. "Cheaters bans are permanent."

The game will sport both dedicated servers and matchmaking, promising that you can get into public matches or League Play through the matchmaking lobbies. You'll also be able to adjust scorestreaks between matches, and all Public and League matches will be hosted on a dedicated server.

The emphasis on security means the team won't be releasing server files, and players won't be able to rent servers themselves. Finally, the game won't support mod tools. "As we continually improve and advance our in-house tools for our own content teams we are unable to provide consumer tools due to increased technical requirements, licensing restrictions, and technology dependencies," the blog states.
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K3's Caribbean dude
|K3| Moderator
|K3| Media Team
Just took a read through of the comments there, from your source, Treyarch just lost a lot a loyal cod fans+clans.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Yes, I've read a small sampling of comments from various sites reporting on BO2 as well and it seems a lot more people than not are completely turned off by COD these days. Hopefully the sales will reflect the enough is enough attitude. Only then will they start actually listening more to what gamers want, especially PC gamers and be motivated to make a decent game. Same thing has happened with EA and the Madden franchise. With big title releases they most likely can pencil in a projected profit margin, regardless of how bad that game is. Nothing much will probably change until they start losing money.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I'll be canceling my pre-order as well because of it. Was hoping it had real dedicated servers for us to maintain.. :\


Eskimo with Eskiho's
|K3| Member
kinda sad that they aren't letting people rent their own servers and that they are controlling them all, it also seems that cod has just gone in the wrong direction since mw2 imo


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I hope lots of people cancel their pre order and the game tanks (assuming it's a mediocre game). That way we might get a good COD next time.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I hope so too. Although, they always seem to announce the bad news close to release date so that most of the folks don't have time to cancel their pre-orders.

I need to go to Gamestop and cancel mine.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Yeah, another shady tactic. And they wonder why so many people pirate games. If they didn't do everything in their power to mislead and fool consumers, some people might pirate less and respect these companies.


|KKK| Sargasaurus
Western europe release time...November 12th,2012, Midnight

Torrent release time...November 12th, 2012, 19h47...:thinking:

The version seems to have problem to solve that setting your timezone on +8... :eyebrow:
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