KKK – what's the significance?

Jack Kerouac

Private First Class
Hi Guys

Something I keep meaning to ask.

Is there any significance in the title KKK for this crew?

Other than Kaptain Krunch Krew, I mean.

May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman.



Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member

No, we do not stand for Ku Klux Klan in any way, if that's where you were going.

If you want to read how KKK(this clan) started, go here --> http://krewgaming.com/view.php?pg=beginningofkkk

That will hopefully answer all your questions and make it all clear about what we are and what we stand for, which is basically just fun, being social, and gaming. :D

Jack Kerouac

Private First Class
Hi Titoezz

is that really you in the dress?

Yes, that was definitely where I was going. it was important for me to know. I'll have a proper look at the link you posted in a bit, thanks, but I scan read it and saw that you don't have an irrational fear of people of different colours so that's good enough for me right now :).

I'm not uptight about such things, I don't think. I have no problem with names being used ironically, or even to shock people. I just like to know, ultimately, where people are coming from.

Re what I briefly read in your link. In every forum I have ever been a part of there seems to be MASSES of in-fighting and conflict, because anonymous people can get super-bitchy. I don't discount myself from that either; but I guess the longer we're all online, the more we grow up. I think this place seems pretty friendly though…


Jack Kerouac

(Who incidentally did become a bit of a racist in his alcohol-sodden dotage. (The author, I mean – not me))


|K3| Member
Nope. I think the KKK has more things to do than play cod4. Like drink shitty beer and compare gun collections, go to Tea Party rallies (Leaving their glorified "White Knight" uniforms at home to don the disguise of us "Normal Folk"), support Pat Buchanan, watch 700 club and follow Pat Robertson around, " they-tucker-jerrrbbbss!!! ," planting the Confederate flag "tastefully" in the middle of their their flatbed while they go muddin' in their neighbor's cornfield (it's okay.... he's white, he'll understand, and if he doesn't, we'll lynch him), tuning in daily to Rush Limbaugh, and generally harassing anyone who has a scary skin color (not white).

But it's okay. The Ku Klux Klan is all about family values.......


In every forum I have ever been a part of there seems to be MASSES of in-fighting and conflict, because anonymous people can get super-bitchy. I don't discount myself from that either; but I guess the longer we're all online, the more we grow up. I think this place seems pretty friendly though…))

This is a bit more of a forum, as it's a gaming Krew as well. It tends to be less "anonymous" than some forums, pretty much all of us have photos on line or have FB links to each other (those who use FB). I'm on another forum (TWD) and there was the obligatory "post your photo" thread. Many people refused to post their photo, which I thought strange. It's not like it was "post a nekkid or drunken photo".
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