CoD4 Username: Iedit / Popsicle
Explain the meaning of your username: I edit, well used to edit. Popsicle was eating a Popsicle at summer time lul.
Location: Canadia
Age: 19
Steam: popsicleftw
X-Fire: dun haz one
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience: 5
Time you usually play: No real set time usually mid day.
How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? If so, please let us know who referred you here: Was on here a looong time ago.
Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan? core. \ h4t3 \ rAge
Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself: Stumbled across this webpage in my old Google account tab settings when i loaded chrome up totally stopped playing COD4 so stopped coming to the site weirdly enough. Sup brahs?
CoD4 Username: Iedit / Popsicle
Explain the meaning of your username: I edit, well used to edit. Popsicle was eating a Popsicle at summer time lul.
Location: Canadia
Age: 19
Steam: popsicleftw
X-Fire: dun haz one
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience: 5
Time you usually play: No real set time usually mid day.
How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? If so, please let us know who referred you here: Was on here a looong time ago.
Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan? core. \ h4t3 \ rAge
Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself: Stumbled across this webpage in my old Google account tab settings when i loaded chrome up totally stopped playing COD4 so stopped coming to the site weirdly enough. Sup brahs?