A possible new rule


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Gavin just brought it up thinking it was an actual rule, I think it should be.
No teaming on our ffa servers.
A very straight forward one and IMO it should belong to your common sense, but somehow people do team up on the FFA's which isn't what we want and gets people into bitch fightes.

All in favor aye?


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
How do you team on FFA? lol

But I like the little amount of rules we have now. Plus when you find the team wont you get twice the amount of kills?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
It's not an official rule, so it's all a bit vague. I wanted to temp ban them but if a rule doesn't specify it not being allowed it won't really be based on anything.

Joe Momma

First Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I don't see how this is a problem. The game mode is called "Free for all". "Free" means you are free to do what you please in the game as long as it doesn't include glitching/hacking.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I would always warn and have even kicked people for it.

There was one pair who kept doing it despite kicks etc. They would team up in the sniper houses and each end and take it over. Not really fair, IMO.

I discourage teaming up, but if the server is packed it probably doesn't matter.


Former Krew Member
If people want to work together, they should have the right to team up.

There is no problem here, and I agree with Joe.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
I agree with Dude, I have warned before and I think kicked for it also, FFA doesn't mean pick your "buddy" and get the other guys. I see FFA as being that, free for all in the sense your out for yourself, when I see people doing it I warn them and kick if they don't stop.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
I've warned in kicked for it before. It's a bunch of bs when 2 people are teaming. They can take over an area and effectively ruin the game. The first time I came across people that were teaming as a mod, I asked one of our admins, I believe WaLLy was the one that told me to warn and or kick for it. Free-for-all, every man for himself, no friends....


I agree that it should be a rule; however I can think of a case when it is good to team up. Say that everyone in the server wants to play snipers, but then one guy comes along with an ak and wants to ruin the fun. I think it should be allowed for everyone to team up on the guy with the ak until he feels like s*** and wants to use a sniper or leaves. Other than that, I say no teams on FFA servers.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Ummm no John. Our server is All weapons and Perks allowed, other than our sniper only server that is in the works. You cannot, and should not force another player to do snipers just because you guys want to.


|KKK|Clash Expert
|K3| Member
I vote no teaming, if you want to do teams go to a TDM server, and thank you Freez for bringing this up its an issue i believe we need to take care of.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
i vote yes cuz its a something not commonly seen in cod

its a fireteam usually made of 2 that compliment each other like if ones a sniper other guards them
they are with its own weaknesses they should be easier to kill on ffa as they might accidentally kill eachother or u can just throw a nade in and get it over with

i just vote yes cuz its something people luv doing
actually awhile back i told kessa about it and she liked the idea but we nvr went through with it

also because it makes the game more challenging without hacking - it makes u involve a little more thinking instead of run hey its a person shoot kill
ive nvr seen it a rule in a servers actually ive seen server support it and if i remember ones name ill show u

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|KKK| Sargasaurus
Who said it was a vote...

NO TEAMING IN FFA...thats all and a simple common sense...if u want to protect a teammate->TDM HC with friendly fire on.


Former Krew Member
I understand where everyone is coming from...so be it.

It might be stupid when someone gets banned for "Teaming up".


I don't think much is to be gained from teaming.

I've never even seen it done effectively enough to be an unfair advantage.
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