.:|OLCE|:. FIN's Introduction



Name: Olavi
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare name: .:|OLCE|:. FIN
Place where I live: Finland, Nokia
Age: 13
Steam: No
X-fire: olc3
When I started to play FPS games?: 2 years ago.
Are you active?: I play computer games 1-(5) hours per day. I'll be in KKK servers about 13:00PM to 24:00 PM


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
Welcome to the forums. As we told you, stya active in the forum and the servers and you'll get an invite in a couple weeks or so..


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Hey dood welcome, nice to have you here. Stay active in both places and oh, thanks for pointing out the aimbotter on server 1, you sure was quick about reporting that, great job bro :)


Hey man, I've seen you on S1 a few times. Like they said, welcome to the forum and if you stay active, you should get a nomination in no time! :D


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Welcome OLCE, I seen you a few times on Server 1, your pretty good bud at the game and also reporting hackers to the shoutbox, keep it up man ;)
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