Motherf*#*king motherboards!!


My mobo shat. No network. *RAGE*

So I install a new PCI network card. No network. *RAGE*

So I flash the BIOS. No network coz NO BOOT! *RAGE*

Eventually, after much BIOS rooting around, I discover that if I disconnect my games drive, the RAID will boot. With the games drive in, I can boot from it via boot menu.

So, the southbridge is rooted. *RAGE*

Get given a new mobo with bent pins on the CPU socket. Spend a few hours repairing, and then bought new CPU and RAM (had to drive into the city coz local store had no stock *RAGE*).

Assemble. No boot, nothing. *RAGE*. Fuck it. Ring local store ("herro"). "Got any Gigabyte Z68 mobos?" Them - "prenty".

Down to the store I go. Gigabyte Z68? Of course not. *RAGE* Buy an Asrock instead. "This velly good board, prenty feature"

Spend more hours assembling. Hit the power. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. *FKN RAGE*

Finally work out that a 3570K CPU requires BIOS version 2.1, my version? 1.0 GAHHHHHH!!!! **RRAGE**

Off to the shop tomorrow. Which I'm sure will cause more rage.


Holy shit...

Sounds like you're in for a fun ordeal today.

For some reason my motherboard will beep incessantly if I don't hit the reset button when the bios boots... -.-

Mofo mober boards...


Well, the shop happily replaced my mobo with an Z77. Damn right, seing as I bough an SSD as well as a copy of W7.

Then the fun began. I though I had backed every thing up, but some of my sub folders didn't copy over. And my app data folder was corrupted. Uh oh.

I still had the actual drives from my RAID 10 (4 drives), so I needed to get the data off them. But the old PC was basically spread around the study in pieces.

How do you make a PC without a case? Like this:


Took a bit of trial and error to get the 4 drives in the right order.
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