El diablo's Introduction


|KKK|s Sexiest Voice
|K3| Member
Name: Jack
CoD4 Username:El Diablo
Explain the meaning of your username:Taledaga nights, funny.
Location:Victoria, Australia
Age: 18

Months/Yrs. of Experience: 3 i think...
Time you usually play: it depends on what i have to do that day, a few hours a week mostly.
How did you hear about us? found your FFA server and couldn't stop playing it!

Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan?: Never been in a clan

Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself: I skate, play guitar, thats about it.

Cheers guys


Former Krew Member
There we go! Nice intro! Stay active around the forums, post often, and play on the servers (server permitting), and hope to see you in the Krew! You have already been doing a good job, so keep it up.


|KKK|s Sexiest Voice
|K3| Member
I may have copy and pasted IG's intro and edited it to suit me...


I skate, play guitar, thats about it.

Holy shit are you my twin brother? The only thing you left out was motorcycles... :doggystyle:

PS: happy to see you on the forums. :wavespin:


|KKK|s Sexiest Voice
|K3| Member
I used to motorized ride back in the day, but skating took its place.
I'll stay as active as I can steel, so long as s1's lag problem gets fixes. Haha


|KKK|s Sexiest Voice
|K3| Member
Yeah, this clan needs more aussies so there's actually people on their servers at night.
Haha, when I say back in the day it only means 6 or so years ago, how long ago would using the term 'back in the day' mean if you were to use it?


|KKK|s Sexiest Voice
|K3| Member
thankyou, and i hope you enjoy the long hard journey of learning to spell you have ahead of you.
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