And i meant shit talk like promoders do. Constantly bitching about "bugs" "lag" "bad server settings" "SC Noobs", calling everyone "kid" that you don't like, bitching about how unbalanced stock cod4 is.... basically talking shit on everyone who DOESN'T play promod, and if you DO play promod, if you play in Pubs, you're a bitch, so that's even ANOTHER level of 1337ness. ...etc. Shit that doesn't matter that everyone who wants a rite of passage into being some 1337 promod player must adopt as a belief.
So all I was saying was that I hope the krew doesn't turn into that. Give it a couple weeks. Everyone starts calling snipers "scope" instead of sniper, bitching about missing doubles and trips (as if they immediately got so good they could hit them all the time, usually.. or like anyone can just line up 3 people... complete BS!) ... why? Because they are kewl......
Just sayin'... if playing a videogame mod results in you changing the way you talk or act to the rest of us, you're a bitch.
I think promod is fun as shit, and I want a promod server, like I SAID..... i just hope we can maintain our dignity. Not the end of the world, lol. In fact, I think having a krew promod server would make promod much more likeable for me. We should advertise the shit out of it, and get as many nooby players in it as possible, so as many people as possible know about promod and get better at it. I think using 360's config would be a great idea... at least include him in the integration of a new config. I would actually like to tweak some promod settings, myself, to make it more fair and more challenging and applicable for Hardcore (we need to change some things in order for promod to work well with hardcore, I think).
I assume we are doing a HC server? Or will this be our first Softcore server?
Also will we be running SnD? Or tdm or what? I think to get our server rolling, TDM is a better idea, as most people won't wanna sit around for SnD matches, but I understand most promod servers are SnD.
ALSO, if we run PB on the server (which i think we should, as promod is more likely to include cheaters who hide it better), we can also include a couple of settings. LIKE: Keyboard configs can be limited. You can make it so you can't run scripts on your keyboard...... for instance, i believe you can ban ertain scripts. I.E. PB would autokick after a certain number of warnings for having certain sets of multiple commands set to a key. Also, you can configure to autokick for certain video settings. I have been on many servers where rlod scale settings are limited (many of those settings can be tweaked to remove grass from a distance and things like that). Just putting it out there..... If promod is actually to be fair, probably wanna regulate some of these things. Promod is supposed to be more fair, right
All server rules still remain in effect on all servers.