my intersest in KKK



Hello my name is Cody Harrison. One day i stumbled upon on your guys KKK broadcast Free for all server and a member of your clan named EDGE$HOT directed me to your site. I love the M16 silenced with digital camo and an m9 silenced. I am very interested in joining you guys. Ive seen you guys play to its amazing. I hope someday you guys will recruit me- XxxLIBxxX


You just missed out joining our Silenced M16 Komp. But maybe we'll have another in the future.

Stick around!


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Yeah you just missed a komp where you're only allowed to use your favorite weapon lmao. Anyways hope to see you around!


|K3| Member
Welcome to the forum Cody. If you have any questions about the recruitment then don't hesitate to ask.

Enjoy your stay and have fun!! :)
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