Most Underrated Gun Perk, or Thing in CoD4


Staff Sergeant
This thread is to find out something that all of you think is very good in CoD4, be it a gun, a perk, or a mod.
Maybe even post your favorite class that you don't think anyone uses.

For me, I think the Most underrated perk is Double Tap, because on any automatic assault rifles, it destroys, and it also make the W1200 bearable. I aslo think the Star Wars mod is underrated, because no one really plays it, even though it has some cool guns, and different game modes.



|K3| Member
I think the USP and M9 are underrated. Everyone uses the deagle. It seems like it has bigger hitmarkers (the deagle) and goes throguh everything and is nooby. If you actually have good aim, USP is ftw. M9 is cool, too.

I think the Skorpion is underrated. Skorp + Deagle (for walls) or USP (better gun) is bomb.

I think red dot sights are over rated. Silencers underrated.

Mp44 is underrated. Unless you have shitty aim, in which case, you will think the gun doesn't work right.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Agree with dude...Usp has been becoming my pistol of choice lately. Also,the m16 silenced has been fun and i don't see many people using it,one burst and they're done.It helps your aim too IMO since the spread is pretty close..


|KKK| Sargasaurus
All the point and kills weapons are underated by players (G3/M14/M16). I personnaly switched all my class with deagle to USP. Less recoil, bigger clip. Try to play with burst or one shot weapon (forget dumb dumb bolt except for sniping) and reach the same score as you always do...first you're gonna suck..but you'll get progress pretty fast.

M16+stopping power can ruin the juggernoob perks i think, cause if you're at good range you hit 2/3 bullet from the burst.


|KKK| Sargasaurus
I see more ppl playing with GheyAK than m16...mis-under-estestimated...would fit better?^^


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
I think the most underrated perk is overkill. Sure, you lost SoH or something but, if you run out of ammo in your primary, you still have another.


|K3| Member
Meh I think overkill is a complete waste. You pick a good primary, which will probably be as good as any other, and then you have the secondary (which reloads much faster than your primary, and you can swap to it faster). I like that deal. Not the double primary. Plus, on a lot of servers, there are guns everywhere. You can just pick one up.

I think stopping power + G36 is underrated. That combo is boss. I like it way more than M4 and any perks.


|KKK| Sargasaurus
In Sab match, an overkill class could be very useful...Primary: Sniper gun Secondary: LMG.. with clays and Deep impact, perfect back-up class. Works perfectly in 10v10 SAB match. Especially on wetworks and Crossfire. You can clean long range with sniper and get rid of heli, and close-mid range enemies easily with LMG. Clays allows you more or less to not fear back attacks. And deep impact pierce perfectly boat's walls and ruined building walls. And in sudden death, pull out the lmg and rush.

Besides that...Ballcrushing or full tube class...overkills allow you to carry two tube rifle :D + marty= 6 grenade kill before you die ^^ too bad u cant take sonic boom...

Running out of ammo, is generally not a problem on server with at least three players on...still a gun lying on ground^^


Former Krew Member
Masterclip, you're not the only one to use acog on skorpian or mini-uzi That's one of my favourite classes. One I bring out every here and there is overkill, claymores, with uzi/acog and skorpian/acog with deep penetration. Of course be prepared to pick up another weapon since you run out of ammo very quickly.
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