Where does COD go from here


Second Lieutenant
Member of the Year
It seems that the Modern warfare storyline is finished. Makarov is dead, soap is dead. A new world war has been narrowly averted. Where do we go from here?

Personally i'd like to go back to captains Price and Macmillan. All ghillied up was one of my favourite missions in the whol series (I pretty much held my breath the whole time when trying to crawl past the tanks and opfor in the field) It would be cool to try some missions as price/macmillan. Obviously I say those guys because they are SAS, which is british, Americans may have other ideas as may our russian players.

Let's have your input as to where we can go from here


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Oh yes, I played that mission over and over just because it was so much fun, but a whole story line based on that? Nu-uh, but that's probably not what you meant. Yes I'd like a sequel to Captain Price's story.

PS: Not that I'll buy it though, their games have gone down the crapper after cod5.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
I would love for them to expand on the Nazi Zombies storyline. I read the wiki for it and it was quite interesting


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
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|K3| Media Team
I'd like to see some more missions in the AC-130(i think thats what its called).

Maybe a revolutionary war game? I don't know, it sounds like it'd be really fun.

Also, maybe a game about the war in Iraq? Maybe that would hit too close to home for some people but it'd be really cool to see a true story, and incorporate some stories from veterans.

I don't know, just some ideas.


We are yet to battle an alien invasion.

COD14 - Klingon Warfare

Melee - Light sabre
Phase Plasma Rifle with the 20watt range (use Arnie accent)
EMP cannon.

We'll see perks such as:
Thermal detonator x 3
Underslung phaser.


Former Krew Member
I'd like to see some kind of future warfare game.

Maybe in the area of an updated version of BF 2142, with the Titain battles, and tons of vehicles. COD is more into perks, but it is always fun to pilot a helicopter!


Imagine if they made a CoD game about capturing Kony or if they made a very futuristic CoD game about space


Former Krew Member
Capturing Kony would suck. Go in Africa and kill the 3 people still in his army and then assassinate him. Wooo...

Space warfare would be cool, but many games have already covered that. Stollen it Ellis be quite popular for a multiplayer FPS.
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