How about this

I say we trim the fat. Lets ditch the servers that nobody uses. Im not sure exactly how much it costs, but I don't think its right for wally to be paying his own hard earned money to pay for OUR servers that barely being used. I mean that winds up being A LOT of handjobs at truckstops.

Shouldn't we trim the fat? Lets bring it down to three or four servers instead of 8, 5 of which almost never get used used, and 2 other only rarely get used when some of us get bored and decide to leave s1.

The broadcast ffa server is the most popular, obviously it stays. Server 7/Old server 3 is my personal favorite, its just that there is hardly anybody in there most of the time. Lets keep that TDM/Sabotage rotation with the occasional killhouse/shipment ffa for shits n giggles. Maybe the third can rotate between game types, ffa/tdm/sabotage/old school. The miscellaneous server.

Whether or not you agree about server content, you gotta admit it is unfair for wally to be paying all this money for servers that are almost always empty. Now i know we're still a bit new and things will pick up, but i don't think we have the playerbase to support 8 entire servers.

Is my analysis of this situation wrong? Wally what do you think? Of course its your decision, its your money. We are your loyal subjects and will do as our glorious leader says. I just think that by consolidating, we can save you money and concentrate those that do play our servers into a smaller area. If they get bored of FFA broadcast, they can go to a TDM/Sabotage rotation game, etc. Maybe this way more people will start playing on the others too so they dont have to switch to an empty server which most people won't do anyways. Its kinda dull sitting in an empty server waiting for others to join then playing that awkward 1v1 or 2v1 until more people show up.

Back in 1.6, when there were just 3 servers to choose from, we were totally full almost all of the time. I had to wait for someone to leave s3 in order to get in at least 1/2 the time. That server should be hoppin, but yet it usually only has people in it when a few of us go there and wait for other random plays to follow. We've tried playing on s1 then telling everyone to switch to s7 to try and get that going, and it usually winds up that only one or two of the s1 players follow. Not really enough for a TDm or sab game.

Another idea is to schedule more events, such as killhouse shotgun one hour once a week or a shipment sniper only or something weird like that. These are only two ideas off the top of my head but there are all kinds of interesting things we could do for events. Like an ACOG only round or specific times for no gravity sniping rounds. Have members make binds advertising the events and saying anyone is welcome as long as they follow the rules. Go to s1 an hour beforehand and advertise the crap out of the event. Say that there will be prizes for the winner or something. What prizes? i dunno. Maybe winner gets a to go on shipment with a few of us and get free headshots until he gets his golden gun. Pretend we're gonna send them a free brand new video card or hire him an expensive high class hooker for a night. Free trips to vegas? Whatever. Lie about it if you have to! Thats not really the point.
There are all sorts of things we can do to try to bring in more people to the other server, and most of the regulars that start playing on the broadcast ffa server eventually come over, make introductions, and start posting/chatting on shoutbox. Obviously people do like the servers we do have enough to come back and then many of those wind up joining the forums. This could be good for membership recruiting as well.

Im just rambling some random thoughts. Some are good some are stupid, i know that. No need to point it out. My point is just wally is paying a lot of money for something that hardly gets used and I think we owe it to him to try and consolidate and improve in anyway we can.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Awesome ideas, CC. I appreciate you thinking about ways for me to save some money. Though, it does sound good, but at this point I think it's really too early to shut some of the servers down. Why? Well, I'm certain it is best if we leave them open for a good few months. Think of it like a house, in the beginning you may not see any profit from it but in the long run you start reaping the benefits. At least that's how I like to think of it. Besides, S7 is paid on a yearly basis so I paid it in-full last June. The other 7 servers I pay on a monthly basis but I'm on a package where if I even remove 1 server, I end up loosing money. It's weird but I would have to bring it down to 3 servers if I really want to see some savings and even then the savings isn't much.

I don't mind paying for the servers. It actually gives me joy that I have folks here that support the Krew and I. I'm able to handle the load and rest assured I'll give plenty of notice when I can't handle it anymore and I'm certain people will help. :)

If you really want us to ditch some servers, I can switch them to other games like L4D2, L4D and a few others but we already know what happened to WaW, that literally wasn't used but this is another option if folks would like to see that happen.


Some good points there Captain!
I guess from what Wal said getting rid of servers is not the answer.

My 10c worth is.

We know the 24/7 BC works
The 24/4 Crossfire seem to be gaining popularity too.
For the small time it has been up the Old School isn't bad either. The way the bodies fly about is a crack up. But maybe the other Old School server could have some more tactical game types (as opposed to FFA)
Obviously we've canned WAW in favour of a mod, which should be pretty cool.

Now the other servers. From an outsider POV, what does European rotation mean? I think the names of the servers need to be a bit more self explainatory. If people are looking for a SAB server they are more likely connect to one on the list that says "24/7 SAB S&D" than one that says "Blah Blahs KILLzone"

When I used to play the CBC servers they had a Cross/Plus (alternated Crossfire every 2nd map) which was popular. Or 24/7 Overgrown. You know what it is B4 you even connect. Same map servers are good, coz peeps like same maps. Maybe we could modify the Crossfire server to have FFA on every 2nd map and alternate between SAB. S&D, HQ TDM, and DOM on the flip side.

Another popular map is Overgrown. Maybe we could do a similar type of thing there, but not just with OG. Add maybe a Creek or Downpour.

Another suggestion. A teams server. Call it "|KKK| Teamplay No FFA" or something. Have TDM SAB and S&D maps that are really linear. Crossfire, Overgrown, Wetwork, Broadcast. We only ever seem to see Broadcast in FFA, and it's a popular map.

Here's another one. We need to plainly advertise on the site, what servers are what. I'm happy to do up a pretty looking sticky topic with all the servers and IPs and game rotations. It may help.

And once again, we need to try to kickstart the servers. If S1 has plenty of players, dont go there. We could have a server of the week. If KKK is on we go to that server.

Here's one suggestion and most of this is off the top of my head.

S1- "FFA Broadcast 24/7"
S2- "24/7 Crossfire" every 2nd map FFA
S3- "Teamplay" Linear maps (Wetwork, Broadcast, Creek, Wetwork, Overgrown, Ambush, Countdown, Pipeline, Bog), ALL the team-based game types. I would definitely suggest throwing in some S&D but keeping the round numbers short so peeps don't spend ages spectating.
S4- "Old School FFA" maybe a couple more maps added to now.
S5- "Old School Teamplay" same as S3 but Old School. This would give us an idea of what peeps prefer
S6- "Eurotrash server" JK!! "Mixed Rotation" Peeps are going to know it's in Europe by the ping. At best you could have "Mixed Rotation Euro"
S7- "Galactic Warfare Mod" Luke, I am your father! yeah baby!!
S8- "Mixed Rotation"? 24/7 Overgrown? (worked well for CBC, which was a HC server, and there was another one which was a soft-cock server but 24/7 Overgrown, but still quite popular). Or even 24/7 Broadcast mixed rotation.

I really like Captains idea of scheduling events. Again, push it on the website plenty of time in advance. Shotties only, pistols only, low grav.

Is that more than 10c worth?


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
very nice ideas! I'll implement them to the servers once I get home. Thanks for the awesome ideas guys! keep them coming 8)


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I want something that hardly anyone has; a MW2 map!! ;D

Once I get the redirect worked out, more modded servers will be coming. ;)


There are some mw2 maps i'll find em in my usermaps.
Sub Base (I think thats the name not sure what its called)



Couldn't find the cod4 pic i will look sry about sizeing don't know how to change it.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
dude. the airport. TERMINAL!!!! awesome map dude. my favorite by far.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Highrise is definitely the one I want! I didn't know there were others. I'm certain I already have highrise downloaded but if you can find me some map downloads for the other ones, that'd be great. Thanks.


Wally please let us have a [size=50pt]zombie[/size] modded one so I dont have to go to a crappy pb enabled server! I ger kicked every two seconds :(


Second Lieutenant
My 2 cents is do something that everyone would want, like Toxins wants Zombies.

Ask what people want and then you could even try to do those game types on MW2 map. Like have a cycle with Highrise, Terminal, etc etc.


My 2 cents is do something that everyone would want, like Toxins wants Zombies.

Ask what people want and then you could even try to do those game types on MW2 map. Like have a cycle with Highrise, Terminal, etc etc.

Don't think there is a terminal. But yeah thats a good idea ask guys on the server you know regulars what they think you should do and then thats that:) good idea

Post Merge: [time]1270751577[/time]

I bring you GOOD NEWS!!!!!

Post Merge: [time]1270753765[/time]



Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Server 2 Current Rotation:

Sabotage crossfire
Deathmatch crossfire
S&D crossfire
Deathmatch crossfire
Team Deathmatch crossfire
Deathmatch crossfire
Domination crossfire
Deathmatch crossfire


Rust? Hmmm....

A map that is really small, has almost no cover, has potential for lots of spawn killing, and can easily be used as a Noob's training ground? :eek:

That sounds like my kind of map!!! ;D


:p This rust has been enlarged + got a few secrert things :p that i don't know about :'(
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