Wow wolf. I never said I didn't believe you that you were temp banned. I said there was nothing I could do about it because I wasn't there or even online in shout when it happened so there was nothing I could do about it. When I got on everyone was just playing with me, and no one even attempted to kick me, or no mercy when he joined prior to my joining. I didn't read your shout until I was already in the server either. You are just blowing it out of proportion and telling me to ban people when I have absolutely no right to do so. So before you start saying things like that maybe you should take a step back and see that you were saying I wasn't doing my job when in fact I was. I need to see something happen to have any right to make a call on it. I don't go into s1 slinging a ban hammer just because someone says there's a person wall hacking...
On topic. I nominate HBeta!