K3 mw3 server


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
As a work in progress,I have set up a mw3 server. It is named "K3 MW3 server" found in the dedicated servers section of mw3 multiplayer. Any suggestions/help is welcome in the tweaking and setup of this server to make it to our liking.So far we were thinking of making it hardcore with elevated run speed much like our cod4 servers,with Kill confirmed,team defender,FFA and Dom as gametypes,maybe gungame as well...Feel free to visit it and offer suggestions as to the setup..Thank you and enjoy...HIbred
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Former Krew Member
Nice! Too bad I still cannot play it with my computer(IDK why, I might have to check into it more). But thanks Bred, maybe some of our MW3 people will get on. :thanks:


Second Lieutenant
Member of the Year
Just connected. No one else there, but no issues connecting or wandering around the map. seems good.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
the default rotation seems to be team defender and dom but we shall see about gettin kill confirmed in there and ffa ...the vote system is on atm but it doesn't seem to allow gametype voting just next map and kick player


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
It's neat though..you can go into private match and make classes ..all weps unlocked..then come in and you have them as your custom classes


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Meh, hardcore such on anything other than cod4, but that's just me.
Btw tnx for getting that server Gary!


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Awesome man!! I'll have to check that out when I can get back to my PC! Also if you do put it on hardcore, remember to take respawn times off kill confirmed and team defender of you can.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Will do....as soon as i figure out how to..:giggle:

---------- Post added December 29th, 2011 at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was December 28th, 2011 at 06:37 AM ----------

Done and done clipper ,:) also suggestions on which gametypes we should drop would be good ....


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
OK .kill confirmed added as well as gun game ,FFA and juggernaut also..thx for the input ,keep it comin :)...Also favorite maps for specific gametypes would help too, like gungame on huge maps suck or whatever
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|KKK| Sargasaurus
Nice job bred :)

For maps...Whatever except Outpost, Dome and Carbon...These three maps sucks...


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
:wtfderp: I like Dome! I can't think of what the other 2 are like but I know I like Dome lol


|KKK| Sargasaurus
Out post


And i forgot...Downturn... worst map ever designed by dummies in the universe...

Dome is just a slaughtering house...its like broadcast in 4m square size...;)


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
///////////Modern Warfare 3 dedicated server default playlist//////////////

//format is
//<mapname>, <dsr filename>, <weight>

//valid mapnames:
//<dlc maps> (included under '*')

//dsr filename
//name of recipe file without the dsr extension
//included in this package are the following recipe defaults:
//TDM_default (Team Deathmatch)
//DOM_default (Domination)
//CTF_default (Capture The Flag)
//DZ_default (Drop Zone)
//FFA_default (Free For All)
//GG_default (Gun Game)
//HQ_default (Headquarters)
//INF_default (Infected)
//JUG_default (Juggernaut)
//KC_default (Kill Confirmed)
//OIC_default (One In The Chamber)
//SAB_default (Sabotage)
//SD_default (Search and Destroy)
//TDEF_default (Team Defender)
//TJ_default (Team Juggernaut)

// Weight (1->1000)
// Selection is weighted random (higher weights increase selection chance)


So guys ,here is the rotation so far in the sever,represented by the bottom grouping,suggest away as to gamtype/maps,..as long as the gt/mp is in that bottom grouping ,it can be rotated to by any of the mods..
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Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
yeh as long as we load it into the bottom grouping so ..if you want say..SnD on Dome..we would load,>> mp__dome,SD_default,800 ...the 800 being the "weight" or likelihood of it being selected in normal rotation,higher weight =shows up more,as long as we load it into the rotation we can choose it from console or just rotate to it.
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