CoD4 User name: Blubird78
Location: Texas - United States
Age: 29
Steam: none
X-Fire: none
Have you been in a Krew before? If so, what's the name of the Krew? I've never been in a Krew before, except for this one and it is awesome!
Months/Yrs. of Experience: I have been playing Cod4 for about a year and a half, started playing on the ]:ex:[ servers until they became unreliable, then found KKK and never went back
Time you usually play: My play times are all times of the day and night, I am on the shoutbox often and the servers less often, I am usually around though.
Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself (not required): Well I am single, no wife or g/f, or pets for that matter. I went to college for 2 1/2 years to get my Associate Degree in Instrumentation and Control Technology (Google it if you want to learn about it), and now that I'm out it is been very difficult to find a job in the related field, but I am hopeful. I like to build my own computers so they are exactly as I want, and I run a dual boot of Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux. I think that's about it for now, if you want to know more just ask guys, thanks for reading 8)
Location: Texas - United States
Age: 29
Steam: none
X-Fire: none
Have you been in a Krew before? If so, what's the name of the Krew? I've never been in a Krew before, except for this one and it is awesome!
Months/Yrs. of Experience: I have been playing Cod4 for about a year and a half, started playing on the ]:ex:[ servers until they became unreliable, then found KKK and never went back
Time you usually play: My play times are all times of the day and night, I am on the shoutbox often and the servers less often, I am usually around though.
Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself (not required): Well I am single, no wife or g/f, or pets for that matter. I went to college for 2 1/2 years to get my Associate Degree in Instrumentation and Control Technology (Google it if you want to learn about it), and now that I'm out it is been very difficult to find a job in the related field, but I am hopeful. I like to build my own computers so they are exactly as I want, and I run a dual boot of Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux. I think that's about it for now, if you want to know more just ask guys, thanks for reading 8)
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