Empty Empty introduction



Name: Leif
CoD4 Username:Empty
Explain the meaning of your username: Couldn't think of one lol but i guess this ones better than the one i used to have (yourself)
Location:CHina china
Age: 12
Steam:none :/
X-Fire:none :/
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience:1 year
Time you usually play: afternoon
How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? If so, please let us know who referred you here: Played on broadcast server a lot, grey fox helped me get here

Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan?
Nah haven't been in another clan before

Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself:
Tennis rocks


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Hey welcome to the forums!!!! Y'know I'm learning Chinese at school, but I suck at it though D: anyways hope I get to play with you sometime!


I'm kinda surprise communist officials let him use this forum and hotmail.

Remember, search engines over there don't return results on things like Tianamin square or "Arab Spring" because they're not allowed to know such things.

Anyhow, welcome aboard

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